
2024 Guide To 53rd Annual
Ann Arbor Hash Bash
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Ann Arbor Hash Bash Archive Project

(photo by Rich Birkett, Apr 2 2016)

53rd Annual Ann Arbor Hash Bash
Saturday, April 6, 2024
Friday, April 5 3pm3am Hash Bash Cup
at Wyndham Garden Hotel, 2900 Jackson Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, 646-481-6462, 313-999-0329, hotel 734-665-4444, map
admission $50 one day pass, $80 three day pass, $200 3 day VIP pass, $500-$1300 room with three day pass,
$2000-$8500 3-day vending table + $100 electricity
Saturday, April 6 11am6pm Monroe Street Fair
email monroestreetfair@gmail.com
Free. No age restrictions.
Saturday, April 6 12noon Ann Arbor Hash Bash
at Diag, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor map
Free. No age restrictions. Speakers TBA.
Saturday, April 6 12noon3am Hash Bash Cup
at Wyndham Garden Hotel, 2900 Jackson Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, 646-481-6462, 313-999-0329, hotel 734-665-4444, map
admission $50 one day pass, $80 three day pass, $200 3 day VIP pass, Awards show at 8pm, hashbashcup.com
Saturday, April 6 7pm Hash Bash Afterparty with Mac saturn - SOLD OUT
at Blind Pig, 208 S First St, Ann Arbor, 734-996-8555, map, All ages. Cover $30
Saturday, April 6 10pm2am Bridging The Gap Monthly Hip Hop
at Club Above, 215 N Main St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, 734-996-8555, map, 18+, cover $10
Sunday, April 7 12noon8pm Hash Bash Cup
at Wyndham Garden Hotel, 2900 Jackson Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, 646-481-6462, 313-999-0329, hotel 734-665-4444, map
admission $50 one day pass, hashbashcup.com
Ann Arbor Map,
Washtenaw/Western Wayne County Map,
SE Michigan Map,
another SE Michigan Map
FROM . . .
(Whitmore Lake, Brighton, Flint, Lansing, Grand Rapids)
US-23 south, exit right at M-14/Bus US-23 (exit 45), south 2 miles, exit
right at Main St (Downtown exit 3), south 2 miles, left at William St, east
1 mile.
(Plymouth, Livonia, North Suburbs of Detroit)
M-14 west, exit right at Main St (Downtown exit 3), south 2 miles, left
at William St, east 1 mile.
(South Lyon)
Pontiac Trail southwest, left at Broadway, east 1 block, right at Maiden Lane,
south 3 blocks, right at Fuller, west 1 block to Glen, curve left, south 3 blocks,
right at Huron, west 1 block, left at Fletcher, south 2 blocks.
(Detroit Metro Airport, Detroit, Port Huron, Canada)
I-94 west, exit right at State St (exit 177), north 3 miles.
(Ypsilanti northside, Canton)
Geddes west to Fuller, west 2 miles to Glen, curve left, south 3 blocks,
right at Huron, west 1 block, left at Fletcher, south 2 blocks.
Packard west, stay right at Eisenhower, northwest 2 miles, right at State St, north 4 blocks.
(Ypsilanti southside)
I-94 west, exit right at State St (exit 177), north 3 miles.
(Milan, Dundee, Monroe, Ohio)
US-23 north, exit west at I-94 (exit 35), west 3 miles, exit right at State St (exit 177), north 3 miles.
(Saline, Clinton, Adrian)
US-12 east, left at State Rd, north 6 miles.
(Chelsea, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Indiana, Illinois)
I-94 east, exit at Jackson Ave (exit 172), east 1 mile to Huron St, east 2 miles, right at State St, south 3 blocks.
(Lansing, Grand Rapids)
I-96 east, exit right at US-23 south, exit right at M-14/Bus US-23 (exit 45), south 2 miles, exit
right at Main St (Downtown exit 3), south 2 miles, left at William St, east 1 mile.
Dexter-Ann Arbor southeast, left at Huron, east 2 miles, right at State St, south 3 blocks.
at Monroe Street Fair
Limited space left. Commercial (non-political) vending included. No city permits or insurance required!
Monroe Street Fair's permit mandated liability insurance does not cover or protect vendors.
Email Monroe Street Fair at monroestreetfair@gmail.com or vending@monroestreetfair.com.
on Ann Arbor City Streets and Sidewalks
Vending on city streets and sidewalks require a vending permit. Vending permits are issued by the City of Ann Arbor.
Ann Arbor has made no exception for 1st Amendment protected
sales and solicitations of donations, books, magazines, videos, recordings and other items bearing messages.
Vendors ignoring the ban risk certain tickets and seizure of their property by Ann Arbor police.
Local courts dismiss tickets and return seized 1st Amendment protected items
after vendors return for a court hearing weeks later. Only vendors who have been ticketed and/or
their 1st Amendment protected items seized have standing in court to request a restraining order on police during future Hash Bashes.
Vendors with standing may request assistance from Washtenaw County American Civil Liberties Union.
on Diag
The University of Michigan has steadfastly refused to allow any sales or
solicitations, including 1st Amendment protected activity, on or near the Diag,
except for University recognized organizations.
Vendors ignoring the ban or seeking to challenge the ban on 1st Amendment protected sales and solicitations
face the same risks and hurdles as vendors on Ann Arbor city streets and sidewalks. (see above)
Absolute Astronomy: Hash Bash: absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Hash_Bash
ArborWiki: arborwiki.org/city/Hash_Bash
Facebook: Hash Bash facebook.com/groups/175406415457
Facebook: About Hash Bash facebook.com/pages/Hash-Bash/129246050450008
Facebook: 43rd Annual Ann Arbor Hash Bash [2014]: facebook.com/events/190788611108499
Facebook: Monroe Street Fair VIP Group: facebook.com/groups/hashbashmonroestreetfair
Facebook: Hash Bash 2013: facebook.com/events/518233644860325
Facebook: Ann Arbor Monroe Street Fair Hash Bash Festival 2013: facebook.com/events/480780471946536
Flickr: Hash Bash: flickr.com/search/?q=Hash+Bash
Greenfire.com: hashbash.greenonfire.com,
2018 Speaker List, Previous Speakers
Hash Bash Cup hashbashcup.com
Ann Arbor Hash Bash Archive Project
Hashbash.com: hashbash.com
Hashbash.org: hashbash.org
Instagram: Ann Arbor Monroe Street Fair Hash Bash Festival: instagram.com/explore/locations/247273600/ann-arbor-monroe-street-fair-hash-bash-festival/
Leafly: Ann Arbor Hash Bash: leafly.com/cannabis-events/ann-arbor-hash-bash-2017
Michigan National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws: minorml.org
MLive: Hash Bash: "topics.mlive.com/tag/hash-bash"
Monroe Street Fair: monroestreetfair.com
MySpace: Hash Bash: myspace.com/mihashbash
TripSavvy tripsavvy.com/ann-arbor-hash-bash-complete-guide-4769985
Twitter: Ann Arbor Hash Bash: twitter.com/a2hashbash?lang=en
Urban Dictionary: Hash Bash: urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Hash%20Bash
WeedWiki: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_Bash