Cannabis Freedom Activist Network's
2013 Guide To 42nd Annual
Ann Arbor Hash Bash
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Directions ·
Emcee ·
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Vending ·
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Archive Project ·

(photo uncredited, The Compassion Chronicles, Apr 7 2013)
42nd Annual Ann Arbor Hash Bash
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Friday, April 5 6pm Michigan NORML Quarterly Meeting
at Clarion Hotel and Conference Center, 2900 Jackson Ave, Ann Arbor, 734-665-4444 map
with NORML Founder R Keith Stroup, Esq,
High Times Editorial Director Dan Syke, Craig Coffey, Miss High Times Emily Aryn,
Michigan Cannabis Hemp Museum, Silent Auction, over 25 vendors
Friday, April 5 9pm12mid Michigan NORML Dance Party
at Clarion Hotel and Conference Center, 2900 Jackson Ave, Ann Arbor, 734-665-4444 map
with live music, Michigan NORML members free, non-members $20
Saturday, April 6 12noon1:30pm Ann Arbor Hash Bash
at Diag, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor map
with Emcees Charmie Gholson and Mark Passerini,
Sabra Briere,
Jeff M Irwin,
Ed Rosenthal,
DJ Short,
John Alexander Sinclair (invited),
R Keith Stroup, Esq,
Mason Tvert
Saturday, April 6 12noon6pm Monroe Street Fair
at Monroe Street btwn Tappan and Oakland (2 blocks south of the Diag) map
with R Keith Stroup, Esq, Dan Skye, Craig Coffey,
Ed Rosenthal,
Matthew R Abel,
Christeen Landino, Jamie Lowell,
Marvin Surowitz,
Michael D Whitty,
Dixon's Violin, Lil Wyte, Chief Greenbud, Austin Scott, Bizarre from D-12, I Live Once, King Jazzy, Dan Diamond, 5th Wall Concept, Down Home Band, Harm's Way, Thumbs Up!,
Zak and what Army, Lori Beth Coolidge, Jeremy Shipley
website monroestreetfair.com
Saturday, April 6 8pm12mid Michigan NORML Formal Dinner Fundraiser
at Clarion Hotel and Conference Center, 2900 Jackson Ave, Ann Arbor, 734-665-4444 map
$30 advance online, $40 door
Saturday, April 6 8:30pm2am Blind Pig's Hash Bash After Party
at Blind Pig, 208 S First St, Ann Arbor, 734-996-8555, 18+ map
with John Alexander Sinclair,
Macpodz w/ Ray White, w/s/g Luke Winslow King, Crane Wives
tickets $15 advance, $20 door, etix.com/ticket/online/performanceSearch.jsp?performance_id=1710423&partner_id=231&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=ordernowlink&utm_campaign=buyticketsapp&utm_nooverride=1
poster sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/601281_10200702046490543_822963219_n.jpg
WARNING: Beware of police enforcing Michigan's mandatory seat belt law, especially on State
Ann Arbor Map,
Washtenaw/Western Wayne County Map,
SE Michigan Map,
another SE Michigan Map
FROM . . .
(Whitmore Lake, Brighton, Flint, Lansing, Grand Rapids)
US-23 south, exit right at M-14/Bus US-23 (exit 45), south 2 miles, exit
right at Main St (Downtown exit 3), south 2 miles, left at William St, east
1 mile.
(Plymouth, Livonia, North Suburbs of Detroit)
M-14 west, exit right at Main St (Downtown exit 3), south 2 miles, left
at William St, east 1 mile.
(South Lyon)
Pontiac Trail southwest, left at Broadway, east 1 block, right at Maiden Lane,
south 3 blocks, right at Fuller, west 1 block to Glen, curve left, south 3 blocks,
right at Huron, west 1 block, left at Fletcher, south 2 blocks.
(Detroit Metro Airport, Detroit, Port Huron, Canada)
I-94 west, exit right at State St (exit 177), north 3 miles.
(Ypsilanti northside, Canton)
Geddes west to Fuller, west 2 miles to Glen, curve left, south 3 blocks,
right at Huron, west 1 block, left at Fletcher, south 2 blocks.
Packard west, stay right at Eisenhower, northwest 2 miles, right at State St, north 4 blocks.
(Ypsilanti southside)
I-94 west, exit right at State St (exit 177), north 3 miles.
(Milan, Dundee, Monroe, Ohio)
US-23 north, exit west at I-94 (exit 35), west 3 miles, exit right at State St (exit 177), north 3 miles.
(Saline, Clinton, Adrian)
US-12 east, left at State Rd, north 6 miles.
(Chelsea, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Indiana, Illinois)
I-94 east, exit at Jackson Ave (exit 172), east 1 mile to Huron St, east 2 miles, right at State St, south 3 blocks.
(Lansing, Grand Rapids)
I-96 east, exit right at US-23 south, exit right at M-14/Bus US-23 (exit 45), south 2 miles, exit
right at Main St (Downtown exit 3), south 2 miles, left at William St, east 1 mile.
Dexter-Ann Arbor southeast, left at Huron, east 2 miles, right at State St, south 3 blocks.
Charmie Gholson
Mark Passerini
Sabra Briere
Jeff M Irwin
Ed Rosenthal
D J Short
John Alexander Sinclair (invited)
R Keith Stroup, Esq
Mason Tvert
at Monroe Street Fair
Commercial (non-political) vending included. No food vendors. No city permits or insurance required!
Monroe Street Fair's permit mandated liability insurance does not cover or protect vendors.
Email Monroe Street Fair at vending@monroestreetfair.com.
at Michigan NORML Expo, Clarion Hotel, 2900 Jackson Ave
Commercial (non-political) vending included. No food vendors. Reasonably priced.
Call Christeen Landino at 586-873-5084 or email treasurer@minorml.org.
on Ann Arbor City Streets and Sidewalks
As part of Monroe Street Fair's permit approval, Ann Arbor City Council has
suspended vending permits within 2 blocks of the Diag during Hash Bash.
Ann Arbor City Council has made no exception for 1st Amendment protected
sales and solicitations of donations, books, magazines, videos, recordings and other items bearing messages.
Vendors ignoring the ban risk certain tickets and seizure of their property by Ann Arbor police.
Local courts dismiss tickets and return seized 1st Amendment protected items
after vendors return for a court hearing weeks later. Only vendors who have been ticketed and/or
their 1st Amendment protected items seized have standing in court to request a restraining order on police during future Hash Bashes.
Vendors with standing may request assistance from Washtenaw County American Civil Liberties Union.
on Diag
The University of Michigan has steadfastly refused to allow any sales or
solicitations, including 1st Amendment protected activity, on or near the Diag,
except for University recognized organizations.
Vendors ignoring the ban or seeking to challenge the ban on 1st Amendment protected sales and solicitations
face the same risks and hurdles as vendors on Ann Arbor city streets and sidewalks. (see above)
Absolute Astronomy: Hash Bash: absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Hash_Bash
ArborWiki: arborwiki.org/city/Hash_Bash
BBC: Ann Arbor Hash Bash: bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/classic/A538788
Dream Shop: thedreamshop.us
Facebook: Ann Arbor Hash Bash: facebook.com/group.php?gid=175406415457, Photos
Facebook: Ann Arbor Monroe Street Fair Hash Bash Festival 2013: facebook.com/events/480780471946536
Facebook: Hash Bash 2013: facebook.com/events/518233644860325/
Facebook: Monroe Street Fair: facebook.com/monroestreetfair
Flickr: Hash Bash: flickr.com/search/?q=Hash+Bash
Freedom Activist Network:
Ann Arbor Hash Bash Archive Project,
Ann Arbor Hash Bash chronology,
Guide To Ann Arbor
Hashbash.com: hashbash.com
Hashbash.org: hashbash.org
Kosmix: Hash Bash: geography.kosmix.com/topic/Hash_Bash
Michigan National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws: minorml.org
Modern Major Films: Ann Arbor in the Sixties: Hash Bash modernmajorfilms.com/a2/forum/index.php?action=printpage;topic=14.0
Monroe Street Fair: monroestreetfair.com
MySpace: Hash Bash: myspace.com/mihashbash
Project 420 Michigan: "Hash Bash Ann Arbor 2010"
University of Michigan A Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning: Hash Bash: Annual Protest in the Diag
of Michigan National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws: uuis.umich.edu/maizepgs/view.cfm?orgID=10003796
WeedWiki: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_Bash
Worldwide Marijuana March: cures-not-wars.org/wordpress
Ann Arbor Hash Bash Archive Project
2013 ·
2012 ·
2011 ·
2009 ·
2008 ·
2007 ·
2006 ·
2005 ·
2004 ·
2003 ·
2002 ·
2001 ·
1999 ·
1998 ·
1997 ·
1996 ·
1995 ·
1994 ·
1993 ·
1992 ·
1991 ·
1989 ·
1988 ·
1987 ·
1986 ·
1985 ·
1984 ·
1983 ·
1982 ·
1981 ·
1979 ·
1978 ·
1977 ·
1976 ·
1975 ·
1974 ·
1973 ·
1972 ·
Before 1972
Contribute photos, videos, scans and links by attachment to email.
Emails should include the year, description, credits, copyright requirements if any.
- 2013
Apr 6 with 3000 attendees, 16 cannabis arrests, memorial for Renee Emry Wolfe
Emcees Charmie Gholson and
Mark Passerini,
Sabra Briere,
Miles Gerou,
Jeff M Irwin,
Ed Rosenthal,
DJ Short,
John Alexander Sinclair (invited),
Dan Skye,
R Keith Stroup, Esq,
Mason Tvert
Dixon's Violin, Lil Wyte, Chief Greenbud, Austin Scott, Bizarre from D-12, I Live Once, King Jazzy, Dan Diamond, 5th Wall Concept, Down Home Band, Harm's Way, Thumbs Up!
"Hash Bash 2013"
by Andrew, Medical Marijuana Michigan, Apr 25 2013
"Hash Bash 2013"
by Dan Skye, High Times, Apr 8 2013
"Politicians join call for marijuana reform at Hash Bash"
by Ryan J Stanton, AnnArbor.com, Apr 7 2013, pgs A1, A2
"Cannabisfesten Hash Bash lockade tusentals besokare"
by (uncredited), Flashback.se, Apr 7 2013
"Thousands rally at Hash Bash to legalize marijuana"
by Eric D Lawrence, Detroit Free Press, Apr 6 2013
"Final Four, Hash Bash have University of Michigan police preparing for busy Saturday"
by Kyle Feldscher, AnnArbor.com, Apr 6 2013
"42nd annual pro-marijuana rally held at University of Michigan"
by Associated Press, Apr 6 2013
"The Macpodz - Hash Bash"
by Detroit News, Apr 6 2013
"Thousands rally for marijuana legalization at annual Hash Bash in Ann Arbor"
by Eric D Lawrence, Detroit Free Press, Apr 6 2013
"University of Michigan hosting talk on effects of marijuana use 2 days before Hash Bash"
by Kellie Woodhouser, AnnArbor.com, Apr 3 2013
"Macpodz, Frank Zappa guitarist highlight 2 Hash Bash-related events Saturday"
by Roger Lelievre, AnnArbor.com, Apr 2 2013
"Hash Bash Events Kicks Off Marijuana Tourism Season"
by American Cultivator staff, Apr-June 2013, pgs 1, 16
"Hash Bash 2013: Lineup announced for 42nd annual rally for marijuana reform in Ann Arbor"
by Ryan J Stanton, AnnArbor.com, Mar 22 2013
"42nd Annual Hash Bash Will Feature Experts, Legislators"
by Steve Elliott, Toke Signals, Mar 21 2013
"Ann Arbor Monroe Street Fair Hash Bash Festival 2013"
by Lenny, Hail Mary Jane, Mar 20 2013
Diag (photo by Rich Birkett)
Diag (photo by Rich Birkett)
Diag (photo by Rich Birkett)
Diag (photo by Rich Birkett)
Diag (photo by Rich Birkett)
Diag (photo by Rich Birkett)
Diag (photo by Courtney Sacco)
Diag (photo by Dan Skye),
another copy)
Diag (photo by Dan Skye)
Diag (photo from AnnArbor.com)
Diag (photo by Jarrad Henderson)
Diag (photo by Jarrad Henderson)
Diag (photo by Jarrad Henderson)
Diag (photo by Jarrad Henderson)
Diag (photo by Jarrad Henderson)
Diag (photo by Jarrad Henderson)
Diag (photo from Roll It Up)
Diag (photo from Roll It Up)
Diag (photo from Roll It Up)
Diag (photo from Roll It Up)
Diag (photo from Roll It Up)
Diag (photo from Roll It Up)
Diag (photo from Roll It Up)
Diag (photo from Roll It Up)
Diag (photo by Dan Skye)
Diag (photo from 4UMF)
Diag (photo from USA Today)
Diag (photo from AnnArbor.com)
Diag (photo from Flashback.se)
Matt Abel (photo by Rich Birkett)
Matt Abel (photo by Rich Birkett)
Matt Abel (photo by Dan Skye)
Laith Al-Saadi (photo by Dan Skye)
Rob Banks (photo by Rich Birkett)
Tim Beck (photo by Rich Birkett)
Tim Beck (photo by Rich Birkett)
Tim Beck (photo by Jarrad Henderson)
Sabra Briere (photo by Rich Birkett)
Dave Chesney, RIchard Clement, Kerry Justice (photo from CBS Detroit)
Dixon's Violin (photo by Dan Skye)
Will Dwyer (photo by Rich Birkett)
Larry Gabriel (photo from The Compassion Chronicles)
Miles Gerou (photo by Jarrad Henderson)
Charmie Gholson (photo by Rich Birkett)
Charmie Gholson (photo by Rich Birkett)
Charmie Gholson (photo by Rich Birkett)
Charmie Gholson (photo from AnnArbor.com)
Jeff Irwin (photo by Rich Birkett)
Jeff Irwin (photo from AnnArbor.com)
Jeff Irwin, Bryan Rice (photo from The Compassion Chronicles)
Christeen Landino (photo by Rich Birkett)
Lil Wyte (photo by Dan Skye)
Chad Nettleman (photo by Jarrad Henderson)
Mark Passerini (photo by Jarrad Henderson)
Chuck Ream (photo by Rich Birkett)
Chuck Ream (photo by Rich Birkett)
Ed Rosenthal (photo by Rich Birkett)
Ed Rosenthal w mic, Keith Stroup (photo by Dan Skye)
Bob Rystek (right, photo from CBS Detroit)
Becky Salaz, Univeristy of Michigan policemen (photo by Jarrad Henderson)
D J Short (photo by Rich Birkett)
D J Short (photo by Dan Skye)
Dan Skye (photo from AnnArbor.com)
Keith Stroup (photo by Rich Birkett)
Keith Stroup (photo by Rich Birkett)
Keith Stroup (photo by Rich Birkett)
Keith Stroup (photo by Rich Birkett)
Keith Stroup (photo by Rich Birkett)
Marvin Surowitz (photo by Rich Birkett)
Steve Thompson (photo by Rich Birkett)
Mason Tvert (photo by Dan Skye)
Mason Tvert (photo from theweedblog.com)
Ralph Worick (photo from CBS Detroit)
"FREE THE WEED" (photo by Dan Skye)
"Images from Ann Arbor's 42nd annual Hash Bash" (photos by Daniel Drenner, AnnArbor.com)
Michigan NORML Expo (photo by Rich Birkett)
Michigan NORML Expo (photo by Rich Birkett)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by Rich Birkett)
Monroe Street Fair (photo from The Compassion Chronicles)
Monroe Street Fair (photo from Clio Caregiver Connection)
Monroe Street Fair (photo from Clio Caregiver Connection)
Monroe Street Fair (photo from Clio Caregiver Connection)
Monroe Street Fair (photo from Clio Caregiver Connection)
Monroe Street Fair (photo from Clio Caregiver Connection)
Monroe Street Fair (photo from theweedblog.com)
Michigan NORML Booth at Monroe Street Fair (photo by Rich Birkett)
Michigan NORML Fundraiser (photo by Rich Birkett)
(photo by Dan Skye)
Ed Rosenthal speaks at Monroe Street Fair
"The Macpodz w/Ray White of Frank Zappa"
"HASH BASH! ann aRBOR" magnet
"The HASH BASH" ANN AROBR, MI U OF M Diag" with Adam Brook
"Wanted: Vendors for 2013 Spring Meeting" by John Davis
"HASH BASH" thong
"Hash Bash Ann Arbor" Bob Marley T-shirt
"SLAMMED I AM! Hash Bash-Ann Arbor, MI" T-shirt
"Hash Bash 2013 CROWD CONTROL"
"HASH BASH 2013 Genesee County NORML"
- 2012
Apr 7 with 5500 attendees, 13 arrests, memorial for Louis Gatewood Galbraith and
Ben Masel
Emcees Charmie Gholson and Charles Ream,
Matthew R Abel,
Laith Al-Saadi,
Stephanie Annis,
Tim Beck,
Richard James Birkett,
Scott Boman,
Chris Chiles,
Richard C Clement Sr,
Antonio Cosme,
Stephen R DeAngelo,
Melody Karr,
Michael Kormorn,
Jamie Lowell,
Roger Maufort,
Melanie McCloud,
Mike McShane,
Brian Morrissey,
Robyn Schneider,
John Alexander Sinclair,
Larry Smith,
Everett Swift,
Nicholas Tyler Zettell,
Brandy Zink
Glowb, Shotgun Soul, ILO, Dragon Wagon, Fluid Impulse
"CFAN's 2012 Guide to 41st Ann Arbor Hash Bash"
"History of Ann Arbor's Hash Bash"
by DavidB, Hail Mary Jane, Aug 10 2012
"Politics, apathy reign at 41st annual 'Hash Bash' "
by Amanda Jacobs, Washtenaw Voice, Apr 23 2012
"Hash Bash Marks Its 41st Anniversary"
by Charmie Gholson?,
The American Cultivator, Apr 21 2012
"Hash Bash 2012 statistics"
by Daily staff, Michigan Daily, Apr 9 2012
"41 years for Hash Bash at the University of Michigan"
by Bill Laitner, Detroit Free Press, Apr 8 2012
"Crowd at Hash Bash seeks reform"
by Ryan J Stanton, AnnArbor.com, Apr 8 2012,
pgs A1, A6
"This year's Hash Bash takes on a political air"
by Bill Laitner, Detroit Free Press, Apr 7 2012
" 'It's a good vibe:' Hash Bash attracts people from across the country"
by Lisa Carolin, AnnArbor.com, Apr 7 2012
"Hash Bash message in Ann Arbor: 'We are not safer because of the war on marijuana' "
by Ryan J Stanton, AnnArbor.com, Apr 7 2012
"Images from the 41st annual Hash Bash in Ann Arbor on Saturday"
by Chris Asadian, AnnArbor.com, Apr 7 2012
"Ann Arbor Hash Bash 2012: Police warn pot smoking on campus won't be tolerated"
by Ryan J Stanton, AnnArbor.com, Apr 6 2012
"Hash Bash Organizers Expect Record Crowd In Ann Arbor Thanks To Michigan's Marijuana Fights"
by David Sands, Huffington Post, Apr 6 2012
"Music and more Saturday at Ann Arbor's Monroe Street Fair"
by Rachel May, Detroit Free Press, Apr 5 2012
"Bands offer post-Hash Bash musical high Saturday"
by Roger LeLievre, AnnArbor.com, Apr 3 2012
"The evolution of Hash Bash"
by Jacob Axelrad, Michigan Daily, Apr 2 2012
"Don't Miss The Hash Bash! Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 7"
by Steve Elliot, Toke of the Town, Mar 29 2012
"This year's Hash Bash in Ann Arbor to feature one of biggest names in national cannabis movement"
by Ryan J Stanton, AnnArbor.com, Mar 23 2012
Diag (photo from Compassion Chronicles)
Diag (photo by Rich Birkett)
Diag (photo by Rich Birkett)
Diag (photo by Rich Birkett)
Diag (photo by Rich Birkett)
Diag (photo by Rich Birkett)
Diag (photo by Rich Birkett)
Diag (photo by Emily Aryn)
Diag (photo by Kylee Hassevoort)
Diag (photo by Otto Roxx)
Diag (photo by Emily Aryn)
Diag (photo by Kirk Reid)
Diag (photo by Kelly Bracha)
Diag (photo by Kelly Bracha)
Diag (photo by Kelly Bracha)
Diag (photo by Przemek Ozog)
Diag (photo by Chris Asadian)
Diag (photo by Tim Galloway)
Diag (photo by Chris Asadian)
Diag (photo by Chris Asadian)
Diag (photo by Chris Asadian)
Diag photo from Click On Detroit)
Diag photo from Click On Detroit)
Diag photo from The Public Professor)
Matt Abel (photo by Chris Asadian)
Matt Abel (photo by Rich Birkett)
Matthew R Abel, John Davis (photo by Rich Birkett)
Jay Anderson (photo by Rich Birkett)
Tim Beck (photo by Rich Birkett)
Richard Clement (photo by Ryan J Stanton)
Richard Clement (photo by Rich Birkett)
Stephanie Colasanti (photo by Chris Asadian)
Butch Craterfinger (photo by Chris Asadian)
Wayne "Big-Bag" Crouton (photo by Chris Asadian)
Kim Koper Davis, Christeen Landino, Richard Clement (photo by Rich Birkett)
Stephen DeAngelo (photo by Ryan J Stanton)
Stephen DeAngelo (photo by Chris Asadian)
Stephen DeAngelo (photo by Otto Roxx)
Stephen DeAngelo (w hat) (photo by Otto Roxx)
Stephen DeAngelo, Charmie Gholson (photo by Rick Thompson)
David Dudenhoefer (photo by Chris Asadian)
Manny Falcon (photo by Chris Asadian)
Brad Forrester (photo by Rich Birkett)
Brad Forrester (photo by Rich Birkett)
Jim "Frisbee" Heaton (photo by Chris Asadian)
Charmie Gholson (photo by Kelly Bracha)
Tim Operhall (photo by Chris Asadian)
Dave Petrick (right, photo by Tim Galloway)
Chuck Ream (photo by Rich Birkett)
Chuck Ream (photo by Ryan J Stanton)
Chuck Ream (photo by Jared Angle)
John Sinclair (photo by Przemek Ozog)
Dan Solano (photo by Rich Birkett)
Dan Solano (photo by Rich Birkett)
Dan Solano, Brad Forrester (photo by Rich Birkett)
Michael Stewart, Eric Gunnels (photo by Tim Galloway)
Marvin Surowitz (photo by Rich Birkett)
Marvin Surowitz (photo by Rich Birkett)
Marvin Surowitz (photo by Richard Clement)
Marvin Surowitz w mic, Matthew Abel (photo by uncredited)
Steve Thompson (photo by Rich Birkett)
Lou Vierling (photo by Rich Birkett)
Lou Vierling, Dan Solano (photo by Rich Birkett)
Renee Emry Wolfe (photo by Rich Birkett)
Renee Emry Wolfe (photo by Rich Birkett)
Renee Emry Wolfe (photo by Rich Birkett)
Renee Emry Wolfe (photo from Michigan Medical Marijuana Blog)
"Ann Arbor Hash Bash & Monroe Street Fair, April 7, 2012" (photos by NORML of Macomb County)
"ROJS Radio LIVE PODCAST from Ann Arbor Annual Hash Bash Event" (photos by uncredited)
"BIG BAG" (photo by Otto Roxx)
"ONE MINUTE" (photo by Rich Birkett)
Monroe Street Fair (photo from Michigan Medical Marijuana Blog)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Monroe Street Fair)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Monroe Street Fair)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Monroe Street Fair)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Monroe Street Fair)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Monroe Street Fair)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Monroe Street Fair)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Monroe Street Fair)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Monroe Street Fair)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Monroe Street Fair)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Monroe Street Fair)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Monroe Street Fair)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Monroe Street Fair)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Monroe Street Fair)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Monroe Street Fair)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by Chris Asadian)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by Chris Asadian)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by Kelly Bracha)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by Emily Aryn)
Monroe Street Fair (photo from Click On Detroit)
Monroe Street Fair (photo from Click On Detroit)
Monroe Street Fair (photo from Click On Detroit)
Monroe Street Fair (photo from Click On Detroit)
Monroe Street Fair (photo from Click On Detroit)
NORML Meeting (photo by Rich Birkett)
NORML Meeting (photo by Rich Birkett)
NORML Meeting (photo by Rich Birkett)
NORML Meeting (photo by Rich Birkett)
NORML Meeting (photo by Rich Birkett)
NORML Meeting (photo by Rich Birkett)
NORML Meeting (photo by Rich Birkett)
NORML Fundraiser (photo by Rich Birkett)
NORML Fundraiser (photo by Rich Birkett)
NORML Fundraiser (photo by Rich Birkett)
NORML Fundraiser (photo by Rich Birkett)
NORML Expo (photo by Rich Birkett)
NORML Expo (photo by Rich Birkett)
NORML Expo (photo by Rich Birkett)
NORML Expo (photo by Rich Birkett)
NORML Expo (photo by Rich Birkett)
NORML Expo (photo by Rich Birkett)
NORML Expo (photo by Rich Birkett)
NORML Expo (photo by Rich Birkett)
"B-Side Buzz: Gearing up For Hash Bash at Stairway to Heaven" by Michigan Daily
"HASH BASH '12" by Julien Cohen, Hawk Graphic Design
- 2011
Apr 2 with 6000-6500 attendees, 12 arrests, memorial for Katherine J Kennedy
Emcee Adam L Brook,
Emily Basham,
Tim Beck,
Richard James Birkett,
Chris Chiles,
Gary Earl Johnson,
Melody Karr,
Charles Ream,
John McKenna Rosevear,
John Alexander Sinclair,
Darrell Stavros,
Marvin Surowitz,
Everett Swift
Covert, Rootstand, Jimkata, Doctor Dwyer, King Jazzy, The Endaze
"CFAN's 2011 Guide to 40th Ann Arbor Hash Bash"
"Hash Bash"
by John Alexander Sinclair,
Counterpunch, May 6-8 2011
"Hash Bash to 420"
by John Sinclair, Metro Times, Apr 13 2011
"Hash Bash No. 40"
by Larry Gabriel, Metro Times, Apr 6 2011
"MACC and the Hash Bash", Apr 4 2011
"Speakers: It's high time to legalize"
by Bill Laitner, Detroit Free Press, Apr 3 2011, pg 5A
"Hash Bash 2011..what happened?"
by Caroline Rankin, AnnArbor.com, Apr 3 2011
"Thousands attend 40th annual Hash Bash in Ann Arbor"
by Bill Laitner, Detroit Free Press, Apr 2 2011
"Thousands pour into Ann Arbor for 40th annual Hash Bash"
by Lisa Carolin, AnnArbor.com, Apr 2 2011
"Dominick's braces for business from Ann Arbor's Hash Bash crowds"
by Paula Gardner, AnnArbor.com, Apr 2 2011
"Hash Bash 2011: Still smokin' after 40 years on the Diag"
by Benjamin Michael Solis, The Washtenaw Voice, Apr 2011
"Adam Brook: A Significant Piece of Hash Bash History Examined"
by Benjamin Homer, Erikush Growski,
Michigan Medical Marijuana Report Magazine, Apr 2011, pgs 40-42
"40 years of Hash Bash: Marijuana festival started in 1972 in Ann Arbor stands test of time",
by Ryan J Stanton, AnnArbor.com, Mar 31 2011
"40 Years Of Hash Bash: Ann Arbor's Pot Festival Started In '72"
by Steve Elliot, Toke of the Town, Mar 31 2011
"Share your Hash Bash photographs and memories with AnnArbor.com",
by AnnArbor.com staff, Mar 28 2011
"DETROIT FREE PRESS: Hash Bash organizer faces felony charges after raid of Royal Oak home",
by Cindy Heflin, AnnArbor.com, Mar 7 2011
"Hash Bash Celebrates 40 Years"
by Gabe Jones, Midwest Cultivator, Spring 2011, pgs 1, 12
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo by Angela J Cesere)
Diag (photo by Ionosonde Recordings)
Diag (photo by Ionosonde Recordings)
Diag (photo by Ionosonde Recordings)
Diag (photo by Ionosonde Recordings)
Diag (photo by Ionosonde Recordings)
Diag (photo by Ionosonde Recordings)
Diag (photo by Ionosonde Recordings)
Diag (photo by Ionosonde Recordings)
Diag (photo by Steve Pepple)
Diag (photo by Steve Pepple)
Diag (photo by Steve Pepple)
Diag (photo by Steve Pepple)
Diag (photo by Steve Pepple)
Diag (photo by Steve Pepple)
Diag (photo by Quaid McCoy)
Diag (photo by Quaid McCoy)
Diag (photo by Quaid McCoy)
Diag (photo by Amy Gasaway)
Diag (photos by Steve Pepple)
Diag (photo by Jef Stevens)
Diag (photo from knowmarijuana.com)
Diag (photo from knowmarijuana.com)
Diag (photo from knowmarijuana.com)
Diag (photo from knowmarijuana.com)
Diag (photo from knowmarijuana.com)
Diag (photo from knowmarijuana.com)
Diag (photo from knowmarijuana.com)
Matt Abel (photo by Rich Birkett)
Matt Abel, John Davis, Bob Wood (photo by Rich Birkett)
Albion student arrested by UM police officer (photo by Alex Jacque)
Jay Anderson (photo by Rich Birkett)
Gershom L Avery, Steven B Thompson (photo by Rich Birkett)
Rob Banks (photo by Steve Pepple)
Rob Banks (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Tim Beck (photo uncredited)
Adam Brook (photo by Rich Birkett)
Adam Brook (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Adam Brook, James Millard (photo by Jared Angle)
Casey, Nikki B, Brad Jenkins (photo by Angela J Cesere)
Chris Chiles (photo by Angela J Cesere)
Richard Clement (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Richard Clement, Dan Solano (photo by Rich Birkett)
Jason Davies, Brad Forrester (photo by Angela J Cesere)
Doctor Dwyer (photo by Angela J Cesere)
Jolene Fowler (photo by Angela J Cesere)
Russell Goodman ( by Angela J Casere,
Bob Heflin (photo by Angela J Cesere)
Steve Karapandza, Carol Reed (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Christeen Landino (photo by Angela J Cesere)
Catherine Lauria (photo by Rich Birkett)
Connor Otto, Scott Vansice (photo by Angela J Cesere)
Donna Paridee, Brandy Zink (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
James Parker (photo by Rich Birkett)
Chuck Porter, Steve Fromm, Beth Fromm, T J Rice (photo by Angela J Cesere)
Chuck Ream (photo uncredited)
Chuck Ream (photo by Rich Birkett)
Chuck Ream w mic, Carol Reed w flag (photo by Steve Pepple)
Carol Reed (photo by Rich Birkett)
Carol Reed (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Carol Reed (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Carol Reed (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Carol Reed (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Carol Reed (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Carol Reed (photo by Amy Gasaway)
Carol Reed (photo by AnnArbor.com)
Carol Reed, Donna Paridee (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Carol Reed, Donna Paridee (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Carol Reed, Donna Paridee, Zig Zag Guys (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Carol Reed, Marvin Surowitz (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Carol Reed, Zig Zag Guys (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Carol Reed, Zig Zag Guys (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Ruca (photo by Angela J Cesere)
Rick Rudy, Carol Reed (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Rick Rudy, Carol Reed (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Duke Simpkins (photo by Angela J Cesere)
John Sinclair (photo by AnnArbor.com)
John Sinclair (photo by AnnArbor.com)
John Sinclair, Carol Reed (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Darrell Stavros (photo uncredited)
Marvin Surowitz (photo by Rich Birkett)
Marvin Surowitz (photo by Rich Birkett)
Marvin Surowitz (photo by Rich Birkett)
Marvin Surowitz w mic (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Marvin Surowitz (photo by Geri Rose Twitty)
Marvin Surowitz w mic (photo by Jef Stevens)
Everett Swift (photo by Rich Birkett)
Steve Thompson w mic, Bob Heflin (photo by Rich Birkett)
Steve Thompson w mic, Bob Heflin (photo by Rich Birkett)
Eric VanDussen (photo by Rich Birkett)
Bob Wood, Christino Landino (photo by Rich Birkett)
"FREE the WEED" (photo by Marc Ryan)
"ZIG ZAG" (photo by Zig Zag Guys)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by Angela J Cesere)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by Angela J Cesere)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by Angela J Cesere)
NORML Meeting (photo by Rich Birkett)
NORML Meeting (photo by Rich Birkett)
"40th Hash Bash in Ann Arbor"
(photo by Jared Angle)
"Gary Johnson, 4/2/11, Ann Arbor Hash Bash" by Rich Clark
"Hash Bash 2011 ft. Gary Johnson, John Sinclair, Music of BurnOne[HD]"
"HASH BASH 2011" by Julien Cohen, Hawk Graphic Design
"HASH BASH Celebrating Forty Years" by Buzz
"40th Annual Ann Arbor Hash Bash April 2nd 2011"
"40TH ANNUAL HASH BASH We Can Do It!", Adam Brook, 313-999-0329,
email adamlbrook{at}hotmail.com (replace {at} with @)
"MICHIGAN YES We Cannabis!" by Covert band
"bud cannabis cheeba HASH BASH 40 2011"
"2011 Monroe Street Fair"
"aNN aRBOR Hash Bash"
"Ann Arbor Hash Bash"
"mmm report John Sinclair HASH BASH 2011"
- 2010
Apr 3 with 5000 attendees
Emcee Adam L Brook,
Matthew R Abel,
Irvin Dana Beal,
Tim Beck,
Bruce W Cain,
Chris Chiles,
Greg Francisco,
Anthony Freed,
Charmie Gholson,
Charles Ream,
Bob Redden,
John Alexander Sinclair,
Darrell Stavros,
Marvin Surowitz,
Everett Swift,
Renee Emry Wolfe
"CFAN's 2010 Guide to 39th Ann Arbor Hash Bash"
"Monroe Street Fair brings 'high spirits' during Hash Bash" by Quinn Davis, Washtenaw Voice, Apr 10 2010
"Hash Bash 2010" by Miss Shela, High Times, Apr 5 2010
"39th annual Hash Bash acquires an air of legitimacy" by Bill Laitner, Detroit Free Press, Apr 4 2010
"Hash Bash offers students, activists forum to discuss medical marijuana" by Michele Narov, Michigan Daily, Apr 4 2010
"Marijuana supporters gather at 39th Annual Hash Bash" by Sebastian Fryer, Western Herald, Apr 4 2010
" 'Hash Bash' 2010 drawing high numbers"
by United Press International Inc, Apr 3 2010
"Hash Bash draws crowd of 5,000 people to the University of Michigan Diag" by James David Dickson,
AnnArbor.com, Apr 3 2010
"39th Annual Hash Bash Held at U-M", Click on Detroit, Apr 3 2010
"Weather, more than anything, will determine size of this weekend's Hash Bash" by James David Dickson,
AnnArbor.com, Apr 1 2010
"Official 39th Annual Ann Arbor Hash Bash Is April 3rd" by houroc, hailmaryjane.com, Apr 1 2010
"Coming Up: 39th Annual Ann Arbor Hash Bash &' Monroe Street Fair" by Jason, FORMzine, Mar 24 2010
"39th Annual Ann Arbor Hash Bash April 3rd" by News Moderator, 420 Magazine, Mar 5 2010
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo by Angela J Cesere)
Diag (photo by Angela J Cesere)
Diag (photo by Samantha Trauben)
Diag (photo by Miss Shela)
Diag (photo by Miss Shela)
Diag (photo by Miss Shela)
Diag (photo by Marc Ryan)
Diag (photo by Marc Ryan)
Diag (photo by Marc Ryan)
Diag (photo by Marc Ryan)
Diag (photo by Marc Ryan)
Diag (photo by Marc Ryan)
Diag (photo by Angela J Cesere)
Diag (photo by Amy Gasaway)
Diag (photo by Miss Shela
Diag (photo by Miss Shela
Diag (photo by Hannah Juan Samsen)
Diag (photo by uncredited)
Diag (photo by uncredited)
Matt Abel (photo by Marc Ryan)
Matt Abel (photo by Marc Ryan)
Matt Abel (photo by AnnArbor.com)
Debrah Anne (photo by Angela J Cesere, Angela J Cesere)
John Barnes, Mike Wade, Christina Garfield-Patino (photo by AnnArbor.com)
Dana Beal (photo by Marc Ryan)
Dana Beal (photo by Marc Ryan)
Tim Beck (photo by Marc Ryan)
Tim Beck (photo by Marc Ryan)
Big Bag Man (photo by Clever User name)
Adam Brook (photo by Marc Ryan)
Adam Brook (photo by Marc Ryan)
Adam Brook (photo by Marc Ryan)
Adam Brook (photo by Marc Ryan)
Adam Brook, Renee Emry Wolfe (photo uncredited)
Bruce Cain (photo by Marc Ryan)
Bruce Cain (photo by Marc Ryan)
Chris Chiles w mic, Adam Brook (photo by Clever User name)
Chris Chiles (photo by Marc Ryan)
Thomas Chong, Richard "Cheech" Marin (photo by Miss Shela)
Richard C Clement (center), Marvin Surowitz (lower center), Tim Beck (lower right) (photo by Marc Ryan)
Anthony Freed (photo by Marc Ryan)
Anthony Freed (photo by Marc Ryan)
Charmie Gholson (photo by Marc Ryan)
Charmie Gholson (photo by Marc Ryan)
Chuck Ream (photo by Marc Ryan)
Chuck Ream (photo by Marc Ryan)
Bob Redden (photo by Marc Ryan)
Carol Reed (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Carol Reed (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Carol Reed (photo by Marc Ryan)
Carol Reed (photo by Angela J Cesere)
Carol Reed (photo by Danielle Dye)
Robby Samson, Tony Ascenzo, Brenna Bunner (photo, another copy by Angela J Cesere)
John Sinclair (photo by Miss Shela)
John Sinclair (photo by Marc Ryan)
John Sinclair (photo by Marc Ryan)
John Sinclair (photo by Marc Ryan)
John Sinclair (photo by Angela J Cesere)
John Sinclair, Adam Brook (photo by Marc Ryan)
Darrell Stavros (photo by Marc Ryan)
Darrell Stavros (photo by Marc Ryan)
Marvin Surowitz (photo by Marc Ryan)
Marvin Surowitz (photo by Marc Ryan)
Everett Swift (photo by Marc Ryan)
Everett Swift (photo by James Holowka)
Renee Emry Wolfe (photo by Marc Ryan)
Renee Emry Wolfe (photo by Marc Ryan)
www.hashbash.com (photo by Marc Ryan)
"BIG BAG" (photo by Miss Shela)
"Hash Bash Ann Arbor 2010" (photos by Ryan Munevar)
"INDUSTRIAL HEMP" (photo by Marc Ryan)
"INDUSTRIAL HEMP" (photo by Marc Ryan)
Bong sculpture (photo by Miss Shela)
Hash Bash Bunny (photo by Heather Lord)
Monroe Street Fair (photo uncredited)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by Angela J Cesere)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by Casey Pfeiffenberger)
"Hash Bash 2010"
"Hash Bash in Ann Arbor and the End of the War On Marijuana" by Bruce Cain
"Hash Bash 2010 Cheech & Chong"
"Blind Pig, Macpodz"
(another copy)
"Liberty Street Clinic ANN ARBOR HASH BASH 2010"
- 2009
Apr 4 with 1600 attendees
Emcee Adam L Brook,
Matthew R Abel,
Irvin Dana Beal,
Chris Chiles,
Andrew Kent,
Eric Andrew Plourde,
Charles Ream,
George Sherfield,
Marvin Surowitz
"CFAN's 2009 Guide to 38th Ann Arbor Hash Bash"
"A day to celebrate at the anuual Hash Bash"
by Jo C Mathis, Ann Arbor News, Apr 5 2009, pg ?
"Hash Bash returns for another hit" by Valiant Lowitz, Michigan Daily, Apr 5 2009
"Ann Arbor Hash Bash crowd celebrates implementation of medical marijuana law"
by Jo C Mathis, Ann Arbor News, Apr 4 2009
"38th Annual Hash Bash" video, Michigan Daily, Apr 4 2009
" 'Hash Bash' coincides with new law"
by United Press International Inc, Apr 3 2009
"Date of Hash Bash in Ann Arbor coincides with debut of Michigan's new medical marijuana law" by Steve Pepple, Ann Arbor News, Apr 2 2009
"The 38th Annual Hash Bash by CelebStoner, Apr 1 2009
"38th Annual 'Ann Arbor Hash Bash' - 8th Annual 'Monroe Street Fair' - 4/4/2009 - Sat" by cosmicdust, Hip Forums, Mar 29 2009
"Hash Bash 2009", by medimarijuanfaq, Grasscity.com, Feb 24 2009
Diag (photo by Chris Dzombak)
Diag (photo by Amy Gasaway)
Diag (photo by Amy Gasaway)
Diag (photo uncredited)
Diag (photo by Tamara Noel Swart)
Diag (photo by Tamara Noel Swart)
Becky Fonfara (photo by Lon Horwedel)
Greg Francisco, Tamara Noel Swart (photo by uncredited)
Dan Solano, Tamara Noel Swart (photo by uncredited)
Marvin Surowitz, Nathan (photo by Tamara Noel Swart)
Marvin Surowitz, Tamara Noel Swart (photo by uncredited,
another copy)
Marvin Surowitz, Richard Clement, Rich Birkett (photo by Tamara Noel Swart)
Marvin Surowitz, Richard Clement, Rich Birkett (photo by Tamara Noel Swart)
Bob Wood (photo by Lon Horwedel)
Zachary Zeidner, James William Middlestadt (photo by Chris Dzombak)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by KPbIM)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by KPbIM)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by KPbIM)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by Matthew Altruda)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by Matthew Altruda)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by Matthew Altruda)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by Matthew Altruda)
"38th Annual Hash Bash"
"2009 Hash Bash"
"Hash Bash 2009 April 4th High Noon"
- 2008
Apr 5 with 2000 attendees
Irvin Dana Beal,
Adam L Brook,
John Alexander Sinclair, FOKUS
Covert Operations, Glowb, Groundscore, Burn'tn Man
"CFAN's 2008 Guide to 37th Ann Arbor Hash Bash"
"Hash Bash: My Favorite Hemp Rally" by Shane Houghtalin, Oct 30 2008
"Marijuana Enthusiasts Pack Diag" by Charles Gregg-Geist, Michigan Daily, Apr 7 2008
"Sinclair returns to A2" by Chris Gaerig, Michigan Daily, Apr 7 2008
"Bash prevails" by Tom Gantert, Ann Arbor News, Apr 6 2008,
pgs A3, A4
"Sun, Sinclair draw crowd to Hash Bash" by Tom Gantert, Judy McGovern, Ann Arbor News, Apr 5 2008
"Sunny weather, poet John Sinclair draw large crowd to Ann Arbor's Hash Bash" by Mickey Ciokajlo, Kalamazoo Gazette, Apr 5 2008
"Growing a pot movement", Michigan Daily editorial, Apr 3 2008
"Hash Bash may be shut out of U-M's Diag" by Jonathan Oosting, MLive.com, Mar 29 2008
"Hash Bash may be shut out of U-M's Diag" by Tom Gantert, Ann Arbor News, Mar 28 2008
"Hash Bash might not be able to secure Diag" by Charles Gregg-Geist, Michigan Daily, Mar 26 2008
"Explained: Why are Ann Arbor's Pot Laws So Lax?" by Nicole Watkins, Michigan Daily, Jan 17 2008
John Sinclair (photo by Leisa Thompson)
- 2007
Apr 7 with 400 attendees, 0 arrests,
memorial for James Wilson aka Chef Ra and Mae Nutt
David Arquette,
Adam L Brook,
Larry Bonner Lippert,
Michael D Whitty
"CFAN's 2007 Guide to 36th Ann Arbor Hash Bash"
"From the Daily: What are they smoking?", Michigan Daily editorial, Apr 15 2007
"Hash Bash '07" by Ashley Dinges, Apr 9 2007
"Hash Bash flash"
by Geoff Larcom, Ann Arbor News, Apr 8 2007 (text)
"At 'less political' Hash Bash, an Arquette cameo" by Allison Pincus, Michigan Daily, Apr 8 2007
"Cold weather, patrols may put kibosh on Hash Bash"
by Megan Brown, Ann Arbor News, Apr 5 2007 (text)
"Rally faces cold, low turnout" by Alese Bagdol, Michigan Daily, Apr 5 2007
"The first 'High Noon' march", Michigan Daily editorial, Apr 3 2007
Diag (photo by Daisuke0kun,
another copy)
Adam Brook (photo by uncredited)
"Oakland NORML News #8 Hash Bash"
- 2006
Apr 1 with 750 attendees
Emcee Adam L Brook,
Tim Beck,
Richard James Birkett,
Bruce W Cain,
Richard C Clement Sr,
Eddie deSouza,
Dean Kuipers,
Charles Ream,
Marvin Surowitz,
James Wilson aka Chef Ra
"CFAN's 2006 Guide to 35th Ann Arbor Hash Bash"
"Viewpoint: Why students don't attend Hash Bash" by Brian Durrance, Michigan Daily, Apr 6 2006
"35th annual pro-marijuana event held on University of Michigan Diag", by David Jesse, Ann Arbor News, Apr 2 2006,
pgs B1, B3
"Hash Bash invades Ann Arbor" by Drew Philp, Michigan Daily, Apr 2 2006
"Mark Giannotto: An ode to Hash Bash" by Mark Giannotto, Michigan Daily, Mar 23 2006
Jon Lozer (photo by Jessica Boullion)
Jon Lozer (photo by Jessica Boullion)
- 2005
Apr 2 with 900 attendees
Emcee Adam L Brook,
Katherine Michelle Dillon,
Louis Gatewood Galbraith,
Melody A Karr,
Brian Morrissey,
Albert C Price,
Charles Ream,
John Alexander Sinclair,
Joshua Paul Soper,
Marvin Surowitz,
James Wilson aka Chef Ra
Buddha Fulla Rymez, Hazy Jane, Glowb, Rootstand, The Process, Moon Madness, Maryz Eyez, The Saltminers, Troubleman
"CFAN's 2005 Guide to 34th Ann Arbor Hash Bash"
"36 Ann Arbor Hash Bash 2005" by John Alexander Sinclair, Sept 28 2005
"From the Daily: Go ahead, light up", Michigan Daily editorial, Apr 6 2005
"Hash Bash: Students light up for reform of weed laws" by Danny Danko, Olga Mantilla, High Times, Apr 3 2005
"Students light up for reform of weed laws" by Olga Mantilla, Michigan Daily, Apr 3 2005
"Less of a bash, more issues to hash" by Khalil E Hachem, Ann Arbor News, Apr 3 2005,
pgs B1-B2, (photo, more photos,
"Hash Bash 2005", Cannabis Culture, Apr 2 2005
"Tone of hash bash changing" by Ann Schimke, Ann Arbor News, Apr 1 2005, pgs B1, B3
"Hash Bash organizers hope to increase turnout" by Rachel Kruer, Michigan Daily, Apr 1 2005
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo by Lon Horwedel, Ann Arbor News)
Diag (photo by Richard Clement)
Diag (photo uncredited)
Rich Birkett, Richard Clement (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Kate Dillon (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Gatewood Galbraith (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Gatewood Galbraith (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Melody Karr (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Melody Karr (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Melody Karr (photo by Lon Horwedel, Ann Arbor News)
Brian Morrissey (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
James Parker (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Albert Price (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Chuck Ream (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Carol Reed (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
George Reed, Carol Reed (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
John Sinclair (photo uncredited)
Josh Soper (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Josh Soper (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Josh Soper (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Josh Soper, Marvin Surowitz (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Stephanie, Jarim (photo by Ken Srdjak)
Marvin Surowitz (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Marvin Surowitz (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Steve Thompson, Melody Karr (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Steve Thompson, Donna Paridee (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
James Wilson aka Chef Ra (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Michigan NORML booth at Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Michigan NORML booth at Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Michigan NORML booth at Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Michigan NORML booth at Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Michigan NORML booth at Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
"HASH BASH 2005", Community Television Network
"Stoned Bob Hemp-pants" (back, back full shirt,
- 2004
Apr 3 with 650-1500 attendees, 6 arrests
Emcee Adam L Brook,
Jack Herer,
George Sherfield,
John Alexander Sinclair,
Daniel J Solano,
Marvin Surowitz
John Sinclair & Glowb, Muruga & the global village ceremonial band, Troubleman, Soot, Rib
"CFAN's 2004 Guide to 33rd Ann Arbor Hash Bash"
"Legends of Hash 2004 Bash" by Flash Gordon, Cannabis Culture, July 2 2004
"Traditions too taboo?", Michigan Daily editorial, Apr 19 2004
" 'High Noon' Leaves Diag Smoking" by Ashley Dinges, Donn M Fresard, Michigan Daily, Apr 4 2004
"Hash Bash '04 turnout not as high as expected" by Ashley Dinges, Donn M Fresard, Michigan Daily, Apr 4 2004
"Hash Bashers know where the line is" by Jo Collins Mathis, Ann Arbor News, Apr 4 2004,
B1, B2,
"From the Daily: A 'joint' effort", Michigan Daily editorial, Apr 2 2004
"Activists have high hopes for tomorrow's Hash Bash" by Adhiraj Dutt, Michigan Daily, Apr 2 2004
"33rd Annual Hash Bash Takes Place April 3rd", Mar 25 2004
"Whims of weather affect success of the Hash Bash" by Tom Gantert, Ann Arbor News, Mar 21 2004,
(text, another copy of text)
"33rd Annual Ann Arbor HASH BASH" by Bruce Cain, 2004
Anthony Franciola (photo by Ryan Nowak)
Jack Herer (photo uncredited)
Trena Moss (photo by Laura Wong)
Trena Moss, Jack Herer, Carol Reed (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
"Hash Bash 2004"
" 'Hash Bash 2004' Trailer"
"HASH BASH 2004", Community Television Network
"HASH BASH 2004" (front, front full shirt,
"33rd Annual Ann Arbor Hash Bash"
- 2003
Apr 5 with 650-4000 attendees, 0 arrests
Emcee Adam L Brook,
Irvin Dana Beal,
Richard C Clement Sr,
Ron Crickenberger,
Larry Bonner Lippert,
John Alexander Sinclair,
Clifford Wallace Thornton Jr,
James Wilson aka Chef Ra,
Renee Emry Wolfe
"CFAN's 2003 Guide to 32nd Ann Arbor Hash Bash"
"CHEF RA'S RECIPE BOX" by James Wilson aka Chef Ra, High Times, June 23 2003
"Thousands drawn to Hash Bash" by Elizabeth Anderson, Michigan Daily, Apr 6 2003
"Winter returns just in time for Hash Bash" by Ann Schimke, Ann Arbor News, Apr 6 2003,
pgs B1, B2,
"A2 prepares for Hash Bash events" by Maria Sprow, Michigan Daily, Apr 4 2003
"Weed whacking" by Michigan Daily, Mar 28 2003
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Shabina Khatri)
Dana Beal (photo by Lou Vierling)
Dana Beal (photo by Lou Vierling)
Dana Beal (photo by Lou Vierling)
Amanda Brazel (photo by Lou Vierling)
Amanda Brazel (photo by Lou Vierling)
Adam Brook (photo by Lou Vierling)
Adam Brook (photo by Lou Vierling)
Adam Brook (photo by Lou Vierling)
Adam Brook (photo by Lou Vierling)
Adam Brook, James Wilson aka Chef Ra (photo by Lou Vierling)
Bruce Cain (photo by Lou Vierling)
Richard Clement (photo by Lou Vierling)
Richard Clement (photo by Lou Vierling)
Ron Crickenberger (photo by Lou Vierling)
Ron Crickenberger (photo by Lou Vierling)
Rachelle Lambson (photo by Lou Vierling)
Rachelle Lambson (photo by Lou Vierling)
James Millard (photo by Lou Vierling)
Carol Reed (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Carol Reed, Kathy Kennedy (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Carol Reed (near left w friends, photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
John Sinclair (photo by Lou Vierling)
John Sinclair (photo by Lou Vierling)
John Sinclair (photo by Lou Vierling)
John Sinclair (photo by Lou Vierling)
James Wilson aka Chef Ra (photo by Lou Vierling)
James Wilson aka Chef Ra (photo by Lou Vierling)
James Wilson aka Chef Ra (photo by Lou Vierling)
James Wilson aka Chef Ra (photo by Lou Vierling)
"BONGS NOT BOMBS" (back, front)
Memorandum by City Administrator declaring vending permits "revoked and/or suspended and considered invalid" near Hash Bash
"Legal Reasons City Administrator May Invalidate ... Suspend or Revoke Licenses"
"Relevant City of Ann Arbor Municipal Code"
PA rental receipt
"GUEST FOLIO" for James Wilson aka Chef Ra's Room 425 at Motel 6 reserved by Rich Birkett
- 2002
Apr 6 with 4000 attendees, 24 arrests, 38 citations, memorial for Grover Thomas Crosslin
and Rolland Rohm
Emcee Adam L Brook,
Tim Beck,
Derrik DeCraene,
Doug Leinbach,
Daniel J Solano,
Marvin Surowitz,
James Wilson aka Chef Ra,
Renee Emry Wolfe
Budda Fulla Rymez, Toyes
"CFAN's 2002 Guide to 31st Ann Arbor Hash Bash"
"Fifty arrests made at Hash Bash" by Eremy Berkowitz, Michigan Daily, Sept 2 2002
"JAH AND THE HASH BASH" by James Wilson aka Chef Ra, High Times, Aug 2002
"HASH BASH STILL A SMASH" by Peter Gorman, High Times, June 18 2002
"4,000 attend Hash Bash" by Staff Reporters, Michigan Daily, Apr 7 2002
"Hash Bash agenda is growing hazy"
by Tom Gantert, Ann Arbor News, Apr 7 2002,
pgs B1, B2
"A2 lights up for Hash Bash this weekend" by Rob Goodspeed, Michigan Daily, Apr 5 2002
"Activism, not celebration: Hash Bashers should push for social change", Michigan Daily editorial, Apr 5 2002
"See you at the Trash Bash" by Jeremy W Peters, Michigan Daily, Apr 5 2002
"Hash Bash is back, along with controversy"
by Tom Gantert, Ann Arbor News, Apr 5 2002, pg C1
"Pot Politics & Prohibition: 31 Years of Hash Bash" by Josh Steichmann, Current, Apr 2002
"Hash bash bashed: New vendor prohibitions illogical, unnecessary" by Michigan Daily, Mar 25 2002
"City denies vendors space at Hash Bash" by Jeremy Berkowitz, Michigan Daily, Mar 21 2002
"31st Annual Ann Arbor HASH BASH" by Bruce W Cain, 2002
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo by Lou Vierling)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Monroe Street Fair)
Diag (photo courtesy of Monroe Street Fair)
Diag (photo courtesy of Monroe Street Fair)
Diag (photo courtesy of Monroe Street Fair)
Diag (photo courtesy of Monroe Street Fair)
Diag (photo by Charles Goddeeris)
Diag (photo by Paul Wong)
Tim Beck (photo by Lou Vierling)
Adam Brook (photo by Lou Vierling)
Ben Dickson (photo by Paul Wong)
Ed Frazier (photo by Charles Goddeeris)
Kathy Kennedy (photo by Lou Vierling)
Rachelle Lambson (photo by Lou Vierling)
Rachelle Lambson (photo by Lou Vierling)
Rachelle Lambson (photo by Lou Vierling)
George Sherfield (photo by Lou Vierling)
Dan Solano w mic (photo by Lou Vierling)
Dan Solano w mic (photo by Lou Vierling)
Dan Solano (photo by Lou Vierling)
The Toyes (photo by Lou Vierling)
The Toyes (photo by Lou Vierling)
Renee Emry Wolfe (photo by Lou Vierling)
Renee Emry Wolfe (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Renee Emry Wolfe (photo by Lou Vierling)
Monroe Street Fair "Thank you for pot smoking" (photo by Lou Vierling)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by Lou Vierling)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by Lou Vierling)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by Lou Vierling)
Monroe Street Fair (photo by Lou Vierling)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Monroe Street Fair)
Federal Building Protest (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Federal Building Protest (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Federal Building Protest (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Federal Building Protest (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Federal Building Protest (photo by Lou Vierling)
Federal Building Protest (photo by Lou Vierling)
Federal Building Protest (photo by Lou Vierling)
Federal Building Protest (photo by Lou Vierling)
Federal Building Protest (photo by Lou Vierling)
The Toyes
City of Ann Arbor's $399.05 invoice for Hash Bash after party barricade services, over 11 times more than $34.14 paid in 2000
- 2001
Apr 7 with 5000 attendees
Emcee Adam L Brook,
Derrik DeCraene,
Charles Goodman,
Thomas Harris,
Kyle Kushman,
Elvy Musikka,
Gregory Carl Schmid,
John Alexander Sinclair,
Daniel J Solano,
R Keith Stroup Esq,
Marvin Surowitz,
James Wilson aka Chef Ra,
Renee Emry Wolfe
"CFAN's 2001 Guide to 30th Ann Arbor Hash Bash"
"DPS keeps eye on Hash Bash with incognito officer" by Anna Clark, Michigan Daily, Apr 12 2001
"Hash Bash Goes to Trash" by Dan N, Apr 11 2001
"Petitioners net 8,000 signatures" by Kristen Beaumont, Jacquelyn Nixon, Michigan Daily, Apr 8 2001
"Sinclair Remais Popular" by Geoff Larcom, Ann Arbor News, Apr 8 2001
"Marijuana Petitioners Change Strategy" by David Wahlberg, Ann Arbor News, Apr 6 2001
"30th Hash Bash to fill Diag this weekend" by James Restivo, Michigan Daily, Apr 4 2001
"Smoking that grass - Time is now to push for pot legalization", Michigan Daily editorial, Apr 4 2001
"Pot legalization drive to start at Hash Bash" by Kelly Trahan, Michigan Daily, Mar 23 2001
Diag (photo by Paul Wong)
Diag (photo by Paul Wong)
"30TH Annual HASH BASH April 7th, 2001 ANN ARBOR"
(full shirt)
- 2000
Apr 1 with 4000-8000 attendees, 40 arrests
Emcee Adam L Brook,
Irvin Dana Beal,
Stephen Gaskin,
Jack Herer,
James Lewis Hudler,
James Millard,
Elvy Musikka, Tom Ness nka
Stephanie Angeline Loveless,
Gregory Carl Schmid,
Marvin Surowitz,
Renee Emry Wolfe
Funktelligence, Harms Way, Heavy Weather, Soul 360
"CFAN's 2000 Guide to 29th Ann Arbor Hash Bash"
"29th Hash Bash Pushes Pot Initiative"
by Steven Wishnia, High Times, July 2000, pg 26
"Police arrest 40 during Hash Bash"
by David Enders, Michigan Daily, Apr 3 2000,
pgs 1A, 2A,
"Hash Bash Mash & Cash"
by Will Stewart, Ann Arbor News, Apr 3 2000
"Hopes set high for 29th Hash Bash" by David Enders,
Michigan Daily, Mar 31 2000,
pgs 1, 7,
"Legalize it Hash Bash should focus on legalization",
Michigan Daily editorial, Mar 31 2000, pg 4
"HASH BASH: Event heavy on celebration, light on public policy debate",
Ann Arbor News editorial, Mar 31 2000, pg A10
"Annual Hash Bash Draws Differing Points of View" by Susan L Oppat,
Ann Arbor News, Mar 30 2000
"Marijuana Persists as Substance Abuse Issue" by Susan L Oppat,
Ann Arbor News, Mar 30 2000
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
"Sat. April 1st HASH BASH 2000" poster
"Sat. April 1st HASH BASH 1 pm - Monroe St" handbill
(full shirt)
by Chris Black, Ann Arbor Shirt Studio, 1217 Prospect Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, 734-665-1771
City of Ann Arbor's $34.14 invoice for Hash Bash after party barricade services
- 1999
Apr 3 with 5000-8000 attendees, 40 arrests, 74 University of Michigan police citations, 80 Ann Arbor police citations
Emcee Adam L Brook,
Irvin Dana Beal,
Thomas Chong,
Louis Gatewood Galbraith,
Steven Hager,
Thomas Harris,
Jack Herer,
Elvy Musikka,
Marvin Surowitz,
Renee Emry Wolfe
"CFAN's 1999 Guide to 28th Ann Arbor Hash Bash"
"Hash Bash in Michigan" by Dana Larsen,
Cannabis Culture, June 30 1999
"Hash Bash nets 74 citations, none to U-M students"
by Rebecca A Doyle, University Record, Apr 19 1999
"Hash Bash solicitor plans suit against 'U' "
by Nick Bunkley, Michigan Daily, Apr 7 1999, pg 3
"Person passes out on Diag during Hash Bash"
by (uncredited), Michigan Daily, Apr 6 1999, pg 3
by Thomas Kuljurgis, Michigan Daily, Apr 6 1999, pg 4
"Nearly 5,000 gather for 27th Hash Bash"
by Amy Barber, Michigan Daily, Apr 5 1999,
pgs 1A, 9A,
"A2 police report fewer offenses"
by Avram S Turkel, Michigan Daily, Apr 5 1999,
pgs 1A, 2A
"Weather helps draw crowd to Hash Bash"
by Rob Hoffman, Ann Arbor News, Apr 4 1999,
pgs D1, D3
"ekoostik hookah to play Michigan"
by Chris Kula, Michigan Daily, Apr 3 1999, pg 5
"Hash Bash Draws Ire of State Lawmakers"
by Marc Brandl, Apr 2 1999
"HASH BASH", "The List",
Michigan Daily Weekend, etc Magazine, Apr 1 1999, pg 15B
"Hash Bash on for Saturday" by Rob Hoffman, Ann Arbor News, Apr ? 1999
"Ann Arbor To Commemorate Quarter-Century Of Decrim",
High Times, Apr 1999
"28th Annual Ann Arbor Hash Bash!", Mar 15 1999
"Hash bashing Bill would restrict municipalities' rights",
Michigan Daily editorial, Mar 8 1999, pg 4
"Ann Arbor Hash Bash Days Numbered!", Feb 27 1999
"Hash Bash organizer fires back at critics"
by Marianne Rzepka, Ann Arbor News, Feb 26 1999,
pgs A1, A12
"Senators aim to toughen marijuana laws"
by Nick Bunkley, Michigan Daily, Feb 26 1999, pgs 1, 2
"Hash Bash supporters look to legalize use" by Ernie Estrella, Eastern Echo, 1999
Diag (photo by Buhdan Cup)
Tommy Chong, Mike Mullen (photo courtesy of Mike Muller)
Hash Bash 1999 Cards by Mark Arminski
City of Ann Arbor's $40.96 invoice for Hash Bash after party barricade services
"Motion to Dismiss", State of Michigan v Richard J Birkett, State of Michigan 15th District Court
"Brief in Support of Motion to Dismiss", State of Michigan v Richard J Birkett, State of Michigan 15th District Court
- 1998
Apr 4 with 5000-7000 attendees, 44 arrests, 100+ cannabis citations, coincides with anti-Hash-Bash event "Keep Off The Grass" at Michigan League
Emcee Adam L Brook,
Paul DeRienzo, Marvin Surowitz,
Renee Emry Wolfe
The Process, Lack of Afro, Rubber Soul
"Police confiscate Hash Bash T-shirts"
by (uncredited), Michigan Daily, Apr 7 1998, pg 3
"27th annual Hash Bash draws 5,000 to the Diag"
by Erin Holmes, Jason Stoffer, Michigan Daily, Apr 6 1998, pg 3
"Weather helps boost Hash Bash turnout" by Marianne Rzepka,
Ann Arbor News, Apr 6 1998,
pgs D1, D2
"Hash Bash lights up on Diag tomorrow"
by Ajit K Thavarajah, Michigan Daily, Apr 3 1998,
pgs 1, 5
"Joint legislation Legal marijuana would alleviate many of its risks",
Michigan Daily editorial, Apr 3 1998, pg 4
"Hash Bashers ready for 1 more year" by Marianne Rzepka,
Ann Arbor News, Mar 29 1998,
pgs D1, D2
"Alternative aims to 'keep off grass' " by Marianne Rzepka,
Ann Arbor News, Mar 29 1998,
pgs D1, D2
"Wearing Red Ribbon Says 'NO' To Hash Bash"
by Marianne Rzepka, Ann Arbor News, Mar 26 1998
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Monroe Street Fair (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
by Chris Black, Ann Arbor Shirt Studio, 1217 Prospect Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, 734-665-1771
(full shirt)
"Hash Bash '98 with The PROCESS", Review Magazine, Apr 2-15 1998, pg 15
- 1997
Apr 5 with 2000-3000 attendees, 62 arrests, 6pm-8pm hemp fashion show at Pure Productions, 211 S Fourth Ave, Ann Arbor
Emcee Adam L Brook,
Stephen Gaskin,
Ed Wagner aka Lone Reefer,
James Wilson aka Chef Ra,
Renee Emry Wolfe
"Hash Bash attendance, arrests down"
by Rebecca A Doyle, University Record, Apr 22 1997
"Hash Bash draws crowd despite rain"
by Ajit K Thavarajah, Michigan Daily, Apr 7 1997,
pgs 1A, 2A
"A2 prepares for annual 'Bash' "
by Ajit K Thavarajah, Michigan Daily, Apr 4 1997,
pgs 1, 7
"Hash Bash challenges: Cash, trash"
by Marianne Rzepka, Ann Arbor News, Apr 4 1997,
pgs C1, C2
"Hash cash",
Michigan Daily editorial, Apr 1 1997, pg 4
"Help Eliminate Marijuana Prohibition sponsors Hash Bash 1997"
by Wolverine Grapevine, 1997
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
"MID. MICH. NORML 26th Annual Hash Bash"
by Chris Black, Ann Arbor Shirt Studio, 1217 Prospect Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, 734-665-1771
"97' PURE PRODUCTIONS The BASH heidelberg"
"Hash Bash 25% OFF Celebration Sale pure PRODUCTiONS"
- 1996
Apr 6, 25th Annual with 4500-5000 attendees, 68 arrests, 20 cannabis citations
Emcee Adam L Brook,
John Alexander Sinclair,
Marvin Surowitz,
Dan Viets,
Ed Wagner aka Lone Reefer,
James Wilson aka Chef Ra
"Sixty-eight arrests at Hash Bash"
by Rebecca A Doyle, University Record, Apr 16 1996
"5,000 attend Diag rally; 68 arrested"
by Will Weissert, Michigan Daily, Apr 8 1996,
pgs 1A (photos),
"Hash Bash usual mix of politics, partying"
by Michele Morin, Ann Arbor News, Apr 7 1996,
pgs B1 (photo1,
photo2, photo3),
B2 (photo4,
photo5, photo6)
"Rally sets bad example, experts say"
by Michele Morin, Ann Arbor News, Apr 7 1996, pg C1
by (uncredited), Ypsilanti Press, Apr 7 1996, pg C1
"Judge rules for Hash Bash organizers"
by Michele Morin, Ann Arbor News, Apr 6 1996,
pgs A1, A13
"Hash Bashers await judge's ruling"
by Michele Morin, Ann Arbor News, Apr 5 1996, pg C1
"25th annual Hash Bash rolls into A2; 5,000 expected"
by Will Weissert, Michigan Daily, Apr 5 1996,
pgs 1, 2
"Bashing the hash law 'U' should not hinder tomorrow's rally",
Michigan Daily editorial, Apr 5 1996, pg 4
"Hash Bashers get day in court"
by Michele Morin, Ann Arbor News, Apr 4 1996,
pgs C1, C3
"Real meaning of civil disobedience, protest lost on Hash Nash participants"
by Greg Parker, Michigan Daily Weekend, etc Magazine, Apr 4 1996, pg 8B
"Hash Bash organizers trying for Diag permit"
by Michelle Lee Thompson, Michigan Daily, Apr 3 1996, pg 1
"Hash Bash to seek injunction"
by Michele Morin, Ann Arbor News, Apr 2 1996,
pgs C1, C2
"Organizers still aflame with Hash Bash zeal"
by Michele Morin, Ann Arbor News, Apr ? 1996, pgs C1, C3
"Hash Bash organizers threaten to go to court over street closing"
by Michele Morin, Ann Arbor News, Mar 30 1996, pg A4
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo by Elli Gurfinkel, Ann Arbor News)
Diag (photo by Elli Gurfinkel, Ann Arbor News)
Diag (photo by Elli Gurfinkel, Ann Arbor News)
Diag (photo by Elli Gurfinkel, Ann Arbor News)
Diag (photo by Elli Gurfinkel, Ann Arbor News)
Diag (photo by Elli Gurfinkel, Ann Arbor News)
Diag (photo by Pierre Manley)
by Chris Black, Ann Arbor Shirt Studio, 1217 Prospect Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, 734-665-1771
University of Michigan "DIAG AUTHORIZATION FORM", Mar 22 1996
- 1995
Apr 1 with 5000-8000 attendees, 73 arrests
Emcee Adam L Brook,
Mike Clark,
Jon E Coon,
Thomas G Flook,
Drew Lane, Vicki Linker,
Ben Masel,
David Peel,
Ed Wagner aka Lone Reefer,
James Wilson aka Chef Ra,
Renee Emry Wolfe
David Peel and Lower East Side, Enuff Z'Nuff, Drivetrain
"Smoke clears on Hash Bash arrests"
by Frank C Lee, Michigan Daily, Apr 4 1995, pg 3
"Hash Bash a 'more peaceful' rally"
by Michelle Lee Thompson, Michigan Daily, Apr 3 1995,
pgs 1, 2
"Organizers refute rumors of hemp rally's demise"
by Michelle Lee Thompson, Michigan Daily, Apr 3 1995,
pgs 1, 2
by Adam L Brook, Michigan Daily, Apr 3 1995, pg 4
"Hash Bash is usual mishmash" by Stephen Cain,
Ann Arbor News, Apr 2 1995,
pgs B1, B4
"24th Annual Hash Bash Marijuana advocates to promote cause tomorrow"
by Michelle Lee Thompson, Michigan Daily, Mar 31 1995, pgs 1, 2
"Call off the dogs DPS overreacts with Hash Bash security",
Michigan Daily editorial, Mar 31 1995, pg 4
"Not a crime Marijuana should be legalized, regulated",
Michigan Daily editorial, Mar 31 1995, pg 4
" 'U' must abide by judge's latest ruling",
Michigan Daily editorial, Feb 14 1995, pg 4
(photo by Sara Stillman)
(photo by Sara Stillman)
(full shirt)
by Chris Black, Ann Arbor Shirt Studio, 1217 Prospect Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, 734-665-1771
"HASH BASH", High Times, Mar 1995, pg 5
- 1994
Apr 2 with 5000-10000 attendees, coincides with 3rd Annual International Drug Policy Day, 198 arrests
Emcee Adam L Brook,
Steven Hager,
Jack Herer,
Ed Wagner aka Lone Reefer,
James Wilson aka Chef Ra
The Process, Mental Landscape, Lucy's Alibi, Earth Circus
"Warm, sunny weather draws big Hash Bash crowd"
by Mary Jo Frank, University Record, Apr 18 1994
"5,000 flock to Diag to support marijuana use"
by James M Nash, Michelle Lee Thompson, Michigan Daily, Apr 4 1994,
pgs 1, 3, photos
"NORML pays 'U' fees; collects from participants"
by Michelle Lee Thompson, Michigan Daily, Apr 4 1994, pg 3
"Annual hemp rally marked by mellow mood, police say"
by Will Stewart, Stephen Cain, Ann Arbor News, Apr 3 1994,
pgs C1, C2
photo by D A Biermann, Ann Arbor News, Apr 3 1994, A1?
"69 Arrested at Michigan's Hash Bash"
by United Press International, Apr 2 1994
"Hawkers, police ready for Hash Bash rituals"
by Stephen Cain, Ann Arbor News, Apr 1 1994,
pgs A1, A10
"Enforcement Sought at 'Hash Bash' "
by United Press International, Apr 1 1994
"Paying to assemble 'U' involves itself in another losing Hash Bash battle",
Michigan Daily editorial, Mar 31 1994, pg 4
"Hash Bash, Once More"
by Erik Schnurstein, Michigan Review, Mar 30 1994
"NORML must pay old debts to hold Hash Bash",
by James M Nash, Michigan Daily, Mar 29 1994, pgs 1, 2
"Despite 'U' efforts, NORML still plans Hash Bash",
by Brandon Blazo, Michigan Daily, Mar 22 1994, pg 1
"Hash Bash will crash U-M Diag"
by Stephen Cain, Ann Arbor News, Feb 25 1994, pgs C1, C3
"U-M, pot promoters clash again"
by Stephen Cain, William B Treml, Ann Arbor News, Feb 17 1994, pg C1
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Steve Hager (photo courtesy of Steve Hager)
Ed Wagner aka Lone Reefer (photo courtesy of Steve Hager)
Ed Wagner aka Lone Reefer, Steve Hager (photo courtesy of Steve Hager)
Renee Emry Wolfe, Rich Birkett (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
"HASH BASH High Noon Saturday April 2nd U Mich Diag"
"The 3rd Annual International Drug Policy Day"
by Bruce W Cain, New Age Patriot, Box 419, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127-0419
back full shirt,
"HASH BASH '94 The Burning Incense"
"HASH BASH 1994 COSTS" by University of Michigan, June 1994
University of Michigan "DIAG AUTHORIZATION FORM", Mar 14 1994
University of Michigan Associate Dean Frank J Cianciola letter
to NORML Officers and Members, Feb 9 1994
- 1993
Apr 3 with 2500-4000 attendees, 0 arrests, Fuller Park After Rally aka Ann Arbor Music Festival organized by Tim Zapawa aka Tim James of PSM Inc,
also coincides with 2nd Annual International Drug Policy Day
Emcee Adam L Brook,
Richard Cowan?,
Louis Gatewood Galbraith,
David H Raaflaub,
Ed Rosenthal,
Emily Salvette,
Eric E Sterling Esq,
Marvin Surowitz,
Ed Wagner aka Lone Reefer,
James Wilson aka Chef Ra
The Process, many others
"Hash Bash in First Amendment Victory Yet Again!"
by C J Davey, High Times, Aug 1993, pg 27
"Hash Bash cameo has no taste, exec says"
by Nancy Ann Jeffrey, Detroit Free Press, Apr 6 1993, pg B1
"High times not temperatures hit Hash Bashers"
by David Rheingold, Michigan Daily, Apr 6 1993,
pgs 1, 2
"Hash Bash '93 proves pretty mellow"
by Patricia Windsor, Ann Arbor News, Apr 4 1993,
pgs C1, C2
"Judge orders 'U' to allow Hash Bash rally on Diag"
by David Rheingold, Michigan Daily, Apr 2 1993, pgs 1, 2
"EDITORIAL: HASH BASH: U-M battles futilely, wrongly against NORML's right to rally"
by Ann Arbor News, Apr ? 2011
"LETTERS: U-M spends money to violate Constitution"
by Mary Rave, Ann Arbor News, Apr ? 2011
" 'U' pres. talks of Hash Bash, hoops"
by Jennifer Silverberg, Michigan Daily, Apr ? 1993
"Extra police patrols to be on the ball for Hash Bash, NCAA semi-final game"
by William B Treml, Ann Arbor News, Mar 31 1993, pgs A1, A-BackPage
"Hash Bash Pot Shots"
by Dave Wilkins, Ann Arbor News, Mar 31 1993, pgs B1, B3
"Hash Bash suit moves back to local court"
by David Rheingold, Michigan Daily, Mar 23 1993, pgs 1, 2
"Ann Arbor says Hash Bash must flash cash to pass"
by Karl Leif Bates, Ann Arbor News, Mar 18 1993,
pgs A1, A-BackPage
"Organizers work on post Hash Bash party"
by Karl Leif Bates, Ann Arbor News, Mar 13 1993, pgs A1, A15
"Group protests events policy governing Diag"
by David Rheingold, Michigan Daily, Jan 28 1993, pg A1?
"Hash-Bash in Court Again" by Robert Carbeck, Washtenaw County ACLU Newsletter, 1993
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
"Ann Arbor Hash Bash 1993 We Should Have Known" by irGUNNAR
"THE 22ND ANNUAL HASH BASH '93", The Extra Scoop insert
by Adam L Brook, Mar 23 1993
by Adam L Brook, Mar 22 1993
"Brief in Support of Motion for Preliminary Mandatory Injunction and Imposition of Sanctions",
NORML v University of Michigan, Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw
"Notice of Removal of Civil Action"
NORML v University of Michigan, United States District Court
Fuller Park After Rally stage rental agreement with Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission
Fuller Park After Rally sound invoice from Sound Management Artists
Fuller Park After Rally insurance policy with Central Park Insurance Co
"Costs for 1992 NORML Diag Event" memo from Frank J Cianciola to NORML,
Feb 8 1993
University of Michigan letter from Frank J Cianciola to NORML, Jan 12 1993,
pgs 1, 2
"1991 Hash Bash Costs - 1992 Hash Bash Costs"
by University of Michigan Department of Public Safety, Jan 8 1993
- 1992
Apr 4 with 3000 attendees, 29 arrests, 12 cannabis citations,
coincides with 1st Annual International Drug Policy Day
Ben Masel,
Elvy Musikka,
Eric E Sterling Esq,
Ed Wagner aka Lone Reefer,
James Wilson aka Chef Ra
"Few Clash At Rally"
by Stephen Cain, Ann Arbor News, Apr 5 1992, pgs B1, B5
"Legalize Marijuana",
Michigan Daily editorial, Apr 1 1992, pg 4
"Re-Hashing The Bash"
by Brian Jarvinen, High Times, Apr 1992,
pgs 20-21
"University wrongly censors NORML",
by Michael Warren Jr, Michigan Daily, Mar 13 1992, pg ?
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
Diag (photo courtesy of Carol Reed)
(full shirt)
University of Michigan "DIAG AUTHORIZATION FORM", Apr 3 1992
Letter from Dave Asher of The Process, Nov 11 1992
- 1991
Sat Apr 6 with 6000-10000 attendees, aka Hemp Tour Rally, proposal to meet 1st Sat of May approved by vote of attendees,
later rescinded by organizers due to unavailability of permits on University of Michigan Graduation Day the same day
Thomas G Flook,
Steven Hager,
Thomas Harris,
Elvy Musikka,
James Wilson aka Chef Ra
"Chef Ra Loves A Conscience Party" by James Wilson aka Chef Ra,
High Times, Aug 1991, pg 77
"Hemp Tour '91 Dates",
High Times, May 1991, pg 29
"Hash Bash trash Attendees' hypocrisy and irresponsibility damage movement",
Michigan Daily editorial, Apr 9 1991, pg 4
"Hash Bash brings out 'U' cops and state fines"
by Tami Pollak, Lynne Cohn, David Rheingold, Michigan Daily, Apr 8 1991,
pgs 1, 2
"$25 potfest fine up in smoke"
by Maryanne George, Detroit Free Press, Apr 4 1991, pg 3B
" 'U' cops want peace not drug busts at weekend Hash Bash"
by Tami Pollak, Michigan Daily, Apr 4 1991, pg 3
"Paper dragon Hash Bash shouldn't pretend to be a political statement",
Michigan Daily editorial, Apr 4 1991, pg 4
"Hash Bash changes may be mood-altering"
by Kim Clarke, Ann Arbor News, Apr 3 1991, pgs A1, A7
Elvy Musikka, Thom Harris (photo by Andre Grossman)
"Ann Arbor HEMP TOUR Rally"
"hash bash 91"
"RE: Permitted Sales on Diag Concerning Hash Bash" letter from Mary Ann Swain,
University of Michigan VP for Student Services, Apr 5 1991
University of Michigan "DIAG AUTHORIZATION FORM", Mar 5 1991
- 1990
Sun Apr 1 with 2000-10000 attendees, 70 cannabis arrests,
proposal to meet 1st Sat of Apr approved by vote of attendees,
coincides with Just Vote No! Rally,
coincides with 1st Annual High Times Freedom Fighter's Convention
Emcee Richard James Birkett,
Irvin Dana Beal,
Donald Bo Fiedler Esq,
Louis Gatewood Galbraith,
Steven Hager,
Thomas Harris,
Jack Herer,
Ben Masel,
James Marsh,
Ed Wagner aka Lone Reefer,
James Wilson aka Chef Ra
Soul Assassins, Red Fly Nation
"Hemp Tour '90"
by Steve Bloom, High Times, July 1990,
pgs 34,
39, 57, 58
"Freedom Fighters Come Together"
by Mark Barnet, High Times, July 1990, pgs
40, 41
"Hash Bash 1990" by James Wilson aka Chef Ra,
High Times, July 1990, pg 76
"Page 6: The First Annual Freedom Fighter Convention"
by Steven Hager, High Times, July 1990, pg 6
"U-M seeks to bar '91 Hash Bash"
by Kim Clarke, Ann Arbor News, Apr 20 1990, pg ?
"Regent says 'U' should prevent annual Hash Bash"
by Noelle Vance, Michigan Daily, Apr 20 1990, pg 1
"Hash Bash sends an irresponsible message"
by Leslie Otto Theiss, Michigan Daily, Apr 19 1990, pg 4
"Hash Bash has an important history"
by Doug Klimesh, Michigan Daily, Apr 17 1990, pg 4
"There is not a need for a Hash Bash"
by David K Leitner, Michigan Daily, Apr 9 1990, pg 4
"Tokers crowd Diag for 19th Bash"
by Sarah Schweitzer, Michigan Daily, Apr 2 1990,
pgs 1, 5
"Hemp Tour Is Coming!"
by High Times, Apr 1990, pg 22
"Judge postpones decision on permit for NORML rally"
by Tim Gammons, Michigan Daily, Mar 30 1990, pg 5
"Hash Bash The courts should allow NORML's Diag rally",
Michigan Daily editorial, Mar 30 1990, pg 4
"University sued for barring NORML Diag rally"
by Tim Gammons, Michigan Daily, Mar 22 1990, pg 1,
another copy
"U-M won't try to block Diag drug rally"
by Judson Branam, Ann Arbor News, Mar 2 1990, pg B1
"Pro-marijuana group says it may defy U-M"
by Judson Branam, Ann Arbor News, Mar ? 1990, pgs A1, A9
" 'Just Vote No!' Rally On Despite UM Permit Loss"
by Richard James Birkett,
Ann Arbor NORML (defunct), Spring 1990, pg 2
"ACLU To Aid NORML Diag Permit Suit"
by Richard James Birkett,
Ann Arbor NORML (defunct), Spring 1990, pg 2
" 'U' tries to separate rally from Hash Bash"
by Josh Mitnick, Michigan Daily, Feb 27 1990, pgs 1, 2
" 'U' officials conspire to 'trash the bash' "
by James Marsh, Michigan Daily, Feb 27 1990, pg 4
Diag (photo by Andre Grossman)
"HASH BASH Avignon - 1390"
"NORML Benefit Bash Soul Assassins"
University of Michigan Department of Public Safety, Apr 12 1990, pgs 1,
2, 3
Freedom Fighters press release by mythical Ed Hassle, Mar 14 1990
University of Michigan chapter of American Civil Liberties Union letter
to UM President James J Duderstadt, Mar 2 1990, pgs 1, 2
"Notes from meeting with Rich Burkhardt" by C Staub, Mar 1 1990
"TRIM Slip" messages from Frank J Cianciola, Feb 27 1990, Mar 5 1990
Messages from Frank J Cianciola to Ann Swain, Feb 23 1990, Feb 26 1990
University of Michigan SODC Director Frank J Cianciola's letter rescinding Diag permit, Feb 19 1990,
another copy
University of Michigan "DIAG AUTHORIZATION FORM", Oct 12 1989,
Feb 2 1990, Feb 5 1990
University of Michigan "MEMORANDUM PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL" by Elsa Kircher Cole, Jan 18 1990,
pgs 1, 2
Draft "Resolution on NORML and the Diag"
- 1989
Sat Apr 1 with 1000-5000 attendees
Emcee Richard James Birkett,
Dale Ashmun, Irvin Dana Beal,
Jon B Gettman,
Steven Hager,
Jack Herer,
Ben Masel,
Ed Rosenthal,
James Wilson aka Chef Ra
Soul Assassins, Black Orchids
"UM Grants NORML Permit"
by Richard James Birkett,
Ann Arbor NORML (defunct), Winter 1989, pg 1
"UM Dirty Tricks Exposed"
by Richard James Birkett,
Ann Arbor NORML (defunct), Fall 1989,
pgs 1, 2
"UM Student Government Chastises UM Officials"
by Richard James Birkett,
Ann Arbor NORML (defunct), Fall 1989, pg 2
"UM VP Vows NORML Ban"
by Richard James Birkett,
Ann Arbor NORML (defunct), Fall 1989, pg 3
"Hash Bash Draws 5,000"
by Richard James Birkett,
Ann Arbor NORML (defunct), Fall 1989, pg 3
"Hash Bash '89"
by Buford Bosko, High Times, July 1989,
pgs 42,
"The Destruction of Ann Arbor"
by The General, High Times, July 1989, pg 44
"LETTERS: Hash Bashers not to Blame for Riot"
by Richard James Birkett,
Agenda, May 1989, pg 2
"Hash Bash '89", Letters, High Times, July 1989, pg 14
"Who's to blame?" by Michigan Daily, Apr 17 1989, pg 4
"Duderstadt: U-M won't pay for damages"
by Associated Press and "local reports",
Ann Arbor News, Apr 9 1989, pg A2
"Legalize it so you can all go away",
by James "Jim" Poniewozik, Michigan Daily Weekend, etc Magazine, Apr 7 1989, pg 12,
another copy
"2,000 light up at 18th annual Hash Bash"
by Michael Lustig, Michigan Daily, Apr 3 1989
"Hash Bash draws committed and curious"
by Michael Kersmarki, Ann Arbor News, Apr 2 1989,
pgs A3, A12
"Hash Bash to ignite Diag tomorrow"
by Michael Lustig, Michigan Daily, Mar 31 1989
"Ready fo the Hash Bash?", Letters, High Times, Mar 1989, pg 82
"Hash Bash '89" ad, High Times, Feb 1989, pg 82
"Rallies for the Cause", High Times, Feb 1989, pg 29
Freedom Fighters, Psychedelic Bus (photo by Andre Grossman)
Marvin Surowitz, James Wilson aka Chef Ra, Flick Ford (photo by Andre Grossman)
"LEGAL IN 1989"
UMNORML Account Authorization Card, Oct 18 1989, front, back
Michigan Student Assembly's "RESOLUTION ON NORML"
University of Michigan form administrators claimed every student organization reserving the Diag will be required to sign
University of Michigan form signers Rich Birkett (Mar 24 1989), Alex Fung (Mar 30 1989)
Letter to local media from organizer Richard James Birkett of NORML, Apr 1989,
pgs 1, 2, 3
Letter from John Holmstrom of
High Times to organizer Richard James Birkett, Mar 1989
University of Michigan memo from Debbie Kowich to Elsa Kircher Cole, Jan 11 1989
- 1988
Fri Apr 1 with 400-2500 attendees, 0 arrests, 0 citations
Emcee Mark Amicone,
Jon B Gettman,
Steven Hager,
Charles Curtis Kile Jr,
William Bernard Krebaum,
Ed Rosenthal,
James Wilson aka Chef Ra
Black Orchids, Rat Bastards
"Hash Bash '88"
by Buford Bosko, High Times, July 1988,
pgs 38, 39,
40, 41,
42, 43,
52, 85
"Chef Ra's Food for Thought: Hash Bash '88"
by James Wilson aka Chef Ra, High Times, July 1988, pg 43
"Interview: John Sinclair: Pot Was Legal!"
by John Holmstrom, High Times, July 1988
"Pro-legalization tokers pack bowls, Diag"
by Lawrence Rosenberg, Michigan Daily, Apr 4 1988,
pgs 1, 2
"Bashed 400 puff for change in pot law"
by Duane Noriyuki, Detroit Free Press, Apr ? 1988
"Diag crowd tries to breathe new life into Hash Bash"
by Barbara Misle, Ann Arbor News, Apr 2 1988,
pgs A1, A4
"Tokers to light up for Diag Hash Bash"
by Lawrence Rosenberg, Michigan Daily, Apr 1 1988, pgs 1, 2
" 'Hash Bash' permit approved"
by Susan Oppat, Ann Arbor News, Mar 31 1988, pg A2
"Groups attempt to revive Hash Bash"
by Barbara Misle, Ann Arbor News, Mar 27 1988,
pgs A3, A7
"Ann Arbor Hash Bash 1988"
"Hash Bash april 1 1988"
University of Michigan press release, Mar 30 1988
University of Michigan "Student Organization Development Center Diag Authorization Form", Mar 4 1988
- 1987
Wed Apr 1 with 150 attendees
Emcee Richard James Birkett
"Bashers bake at high noon as 16 year tradition fires up"
by Alyssa Lustigman, Michigan Daily, Apr 2 1987, pgs 1, 3
"Hash bash lights up Diag today at noon"
by Alyssa Lustigman, Michigan Daily, Apr 1 1987, pgs 1
- 1986
Tue Apr 1 with 130-150 attendees
" 'Hash Bash' draws 3-yr. record crowd"
by Rob Earle, Michigan Daily, Apr 2 1986, pgs 1, 5
- 1985
Mon Apr 1 with 0 attendees
"In memoriam: The three ghosts of Hash Bash return to the scene"
by Larry Hayes, Ann Arbor News, Apr 1 1985, pg B1
- 1984
Sun Apr 1 with 0-20 attendees
"No foolin': no Hash Bash" by Susan Oppat, Ann Arbor News, Apr 2 1984,
pgs A1, A2
"Hash Bash eulogy",
Michigan Daily editorial, Apr 3 1984, pg 4
- 1983
Fri Apr 1 with 25 attendees, 0 arrests
"Hash Bash ends with a whimper"
by Charles Child, Ann Arbor News, Apr 2 1983, pg A-4
"Hash Bash now just a smoker's habit"
by Jane Hendel, Michigan Daily, Apr 1 1983, pgs 1, 3
"Dope Dupes? Big pro-pot turnout at the Hash Bash could backfire, anti-repeal group says"
by Owen Eshenroder, Ann Arbor News, Apr 1 1983, pg A-3
"Pot law proponents say avoid Hash Bash"
by Kristin Stapleton, Michigan Daily, Apr 1 1983, pg 7
- 1982
Thur Apr 1 with 200-400 attendees, 48 citations, 14 $5 cannabis citations
"After 10 years, Hash Bash may be a has-been" by Jeff Mortimer, Ann Arbor News, Apr 2 1982,
pgs A-1, A-2,
"Hash Bash turnout declines",
by Scott Stuckal, Michigan Daily, Apr 2 1981,
pgs 1, 5
"Police ready for annual Hash Bash"
by (uncredited), Ann Arbor News, Mar 31 1982, pg A-4
"Hash Bash purpose changed over years",
by Scott Stuckal, Michigan Daily, Mar 31 1982, pg 3
- 1981
Wed Apr 1 with 400-500 attendees, 66 to 78 citations
"Hash Bash arrests down",
by David Spak, Michigan Daily, Apr 3 1981, pg 10
"City's hash bash is burning out, police chief says"
by John Barton, Ann Arbor News, Apr 2 1981, pg A-1
"Burning out Hash Bash attendance low",
by Ann Marie Fazio, Michigan Daily, Apr 2 1981,
pgs 1, 2
"A smaller but better bash",
Michigan Daily editorial, Apr 2 1981, pg 4
"Police ready for annual 'hash bash' "
by (uncredited), Ann Arbor News, Mar 31 1981, pg A-7
"Officials plan for 'bash' ",
by Mark Gindin, Michigan Daily, Mar 31 1981, pg 2
"The Hash Bash: its future hazy?"
by William B Treml, Ann Arbor News, Feb 12 1981, pg A-1?
Diag (photo by Robert Chase)
Diag (photo by Robert Chase)
- 1980
Tue Apr 1 with 1000-1200 attendees, 95 to 100 citations
"100 arrested at 'hash bash' "
by (uncredited), Ann Arbor News, Apr 2 1980, pg A-2
"High schoolers invde city for cold Ninth Annual Hash Bash",
by Joyce Frieden, Doug Feltner, Maureen Fleming, Michigan Daily, Apr 2 1980,
pgs 1, 2
"The Hash Bash mass: Why are they here?",
by Nick Katsarelas, Michigan Daily, Apr 2 1980, pg 4
"Police warn of Hash Bash crackdown"
by William Thompson, Michigan Daily, Apr 1 1980,
pgs 1, 3
"Hash Bashers, go home",
Michigan Daily editorial, Apr 1 1980, pg 4
by Larry Behnke, Box 1311, High Springs, FL 32655
The A2 Bash Book edited by Larry Behnke, Box 1311, High Springs, FL 32655, 28 pgs
- 1979
Sun Apr 1 with 2000-3000 attendees, ~100 $5 cannabis citations
"2,000 party at Hash Bash" by Steve Hook,
Michigan Daily, Apr 3 1979, pgs 1, 5
"Hash Bash must be ended",
Michigan Daily editorial, Apr 3 1979, pg 4
"Hash Bash notes" by (uncredited),
Michigan Daily, Apr 3 1979, pg 3
"Hash bash crowd light"
by John Barton, Ann Arbor News, Apr 2 1979, pg A-4
"Only an imitation"
by (uncredited), Michigan Daily, Apr 1 1979, pg 3
"HASH BASH But first comes a lawsuit"
by Beth Persky, Michigan Daily, Mar 31 1979,
pgs 1, 2
by Larry Behnke, Box 1311, High Springs, FL 32655
"8th Annual HASH BASH APRIL FIRST 1979"
- 1978
Sat Apr 1 with 3500-6000 attendees, 1 arrest, 78 $5 cannabis citations
"78 Pay $5 To Puff Their Pot"
by (uncredited), Ann Arbor News, Apr 3 1978
"Pot Smokers Get Surprise From Police"
by (uncredited), Ann Arbor News, Apr 2 1978, pg A-2
"3500 invade Diag" by (uncredited),
Michigan Daily, Apr 2 1978,
pgs 1, 2
"High times expected at 7th Hash Bash" by Carol Koletsky,
Michigan Daily, Mar 31 1978,
pgs 1, 2
Shakey Jake Woods (photo by Don Hudson)
Diag (photo by Don Hudson)
Diag (photo by Don Hudson)
Diag (photo by Don Hudson)
Diag (photo by Don Hudson)
Diag (photo by Don Hudson)
Diag (photo by Wystan)
"The Seventh Annual Ann Arbor Hash Bash"
by Larry Behnke, Box 1311, High Springs, FL 32655
- 1977
Fri Apr 1 with Human Rights Party candidate William D Wilcox (arrested), 3000-5000 attendees, 24 arrests
"Hash Bash Attracts 3,000 To U"
by Paul McEnroe, Robert Cummins, Ann Arbor News, Apr 2 1977, pg 3
"Hash Bash flies high despite police"
by Gregg Krupa, Michigan Daily, Apr 2 1977,
pgs 1, 3
"It ain't like the 'good ol' days' "
by Gregg Krupa, Michigan Daily, Apr 2 1977,
pgs 1, 3
"Ann Arbor Hash Bash ain't what it used to be"
by Michigan Daily editorial, Apr 2 1977, pg 4
"Police prepare for Hash Bash activity"
by Patty Montemurri, Michigan Daily, Apr 1 1977,
pgs 1, 7
"Ann Arbor Hash Bash: A look back to the 60's"
by Michigan Daily editorial, Mar 31 1977, pg 4
"... As U Tries To Curb 'Hash Bash' "
by John Barton, Ann Arbor News, Mar 18 1977, pg 3
Diag (photo by Robert Chase)
Diag (photo by Robert Chase)
"the Sixth Annual Ann Arbor HASH BASH"
by Larry Behnke, Box 1311, High Springs, FL 32655
- 1976
Thur Apr 1 with 3000-5000 attendees
"A2 HASH BASH!" by Iffy the Dopester,
Ann Arbor Sun, Apr 8 1976
"THE INSIDE DOPE" by Iffy the Dopester,
Ann Arbor Sun, Apr 8 1976
" 'Hash Bash' Leaves Mess" by Roy Reynolds,
Ann Arbor News, Apr 2 1976, pg 23
"Motley masses mill and mash at Bash" by Jenny Miller,
Michigan Daily, Apr 2 1976,
pgs 1, 2
"Celebrating dope smoking" by Jenny Miller,
Michigan Daily, Apr 1 1976, pg 4
Diag (photo by Steve Kagan)
Diag (photo by Steve Kagan)
Diag (photo by Steve Kagan)
Diag (photo by Steve Kagan)
Diag (photo by Steve Kagan)
Diag (photo by Steve Kagan)
Diag (photo by Steve Kagan)
Diag (photo by Steve Kagan)
Diag (photo by Steve Kagan)
Diag (photo by Steve Kagan)
by Larry Behnke, Box 1311, High Springs, FL 32655
"HASH 5 BASH 1 APRIL '76 ANN ARBOR" availble from
John's Clothing, Tokyo, Japan
"HASH 5 BASH 1 APRIL '76 ANN ARBOR T-Shirts Now Available!"
- 1975
Tue Apr 1 with 3000 attendees
"Tokes Galore at the Hash Bash" by (uncredited),
Ann Arbor Sun, Apr 11 1975, another copy
"Bash a smash as students toke down" by Martin Porter,
Michigan Daily, Apr 2 1975,
pgs 1, 8
"Get Hashed at the Bash" by (uncredited),
Ann Arbor Sun, Mar 28 1975, another copy
"THE FOURTH ANNUAL HASH BASH" by (uncredited),
Ann Arbor Sun, Mar 28 1975, another copy
"CALENDAR" by (uncredited),
Ann Arbor Sun, Mar 28 1975, another copy
"ann arbor 1 april 1975 HASHISH FESTIVAL"
"Four of Adrian's Ann Arbor T-Shirts now available by mail"
- 1974
Mon Apr 1 with 1500 attendees
"ANN ARBOR HASH FESTIVAL" by (uncredited),
Ann Arbor Sun, Sept 6 1974
"Students, street freaks toke down at annual Ann Arbor hash festival" by Martin Porter,
Michigan Daily, Sept 5 1974, pg 10
"Ann Arbor Hash Fest '74" by L J,
Ann Arbor Sun, Apr 5 1974, another copy
"Hash Bash draws 1500" by Martin Porter,
Michigan Daily, Apr 2 1974,
pgs 1, 2
"Bring Your Stash to the Hash Bash" by (uncredited),
Ann Arbor Sun, Mar 22 1974, another copy
"VOTE YES!!!" by Concerned Cannabis Consumers of Ann Arbor,
Ann Arbor Sun, Mar 22 1974, another copy
Diag (photo by Leni Sinclair, from the John and Leni Sinclair Collection of the Bentley Library, used with permission)
Diag (photo by Leni Sinclair, from the John and Leni Sinclair Collection of the Bentley Library, used with permission)
Diag (photo by Leni Sinclair, from the John and Leni Sinclair Collection of the Bentley Library, used with permission)
Diag (photo by Leni Sinclair, from the John and Leni Sinclair Collection of the Bentley Library, used with permission)
Diag (photo by Leni Sinclair, from the John and Leni Sinclair Collection of the Bentley Library, used with permission)
Diag (photo by Leni Sinclair, from the John and Leni Sinclair Collection of the Bentley Library, used with permission)
Diag (photo by Leni Sinclair, from the John and Leni Sinclair Collection of the Bentley Library, used with permission)
Diag (photo by Leni Sinclair, from the John and Leni Sinclair Collection of the Bentley Library, used with permission)
Diag (photo by Leni Sinclair, used with permission, another copy)
Diag (photo by Leni Sinclair, from the John and Leni Sinclair Collection of the Bentley Library, used with permission)
Diag (photo by Leni Sinclair, from the John and Leni Sinclair Collection of the Bentley Library, used with permission)
Diag (photo by Leni Sinclair, from the John and Leni Sinclair Collection of the Bentley Library, used with permission)
Diag (photo by Leni Sinclair, from the John and Leni Sinclair Collection of the Bentley Library, used with permission)
Diag (photo by Leni Sinclair, from the John and Leni Sinclair Collection of the Bentley Library, used with permission)
Diag (photo by Jim Huff)
"the third annual A2 Hash Bash"
by Larry Behnke, Box 1311, High Springs, FL 32655
"ANN ARBOR 1 APRIL '74 HASH BASH" (photo by Leni Sinclair, from the John and Leni Sinclair Collection of the Bentley Library, used with permission)
"ANN ARBOR HASH FEST" (photo by Leni Sinclair, from the John and Leni Sinclair Collection of the Bentley Library, used with permission)
- 1973
Sun Apr 1 with State Representative Winston Perry Bullard, 2000-5000 attendees
"Pot Smokers Warned By Police" by (uncredited),
Ann Arbor News, Aug 31 1973, pg 23
"State Rep Tokes at Hash Bash" by (uncredited),
Ann Arbor Sun, Apr 23 1973, another copy
"Bullard blasted" photos (uncredite),
Michigan Daily, Apr 12 1973, pg 1
"Midwest's 'dope capital' throws a bash" photos by Rolfe Tessem, David Margolick, Ken Fink,
Michigan Daily, Apr 5 1973, pg 7
"5,000 toke up at 2nd Hash Festival" by (uncredited),
Michigan Daily, Apr 3 1973,
pgs 1, 2
"Police Watch Pot Smokers" by (uncredited),
Ann Arbor News, Apr 2 1973, pg 17
"Festival fever" by (uncredited),
Michigan Daily, Apr 1 1973, pg 1
"Dope fact-finding?" by (uncredited),
Michigan Daily, Mar 31 1973, pg 1
"HASH FESTIVAL" by (uncredited)
"Nixon Not To Attend Annual Hash Bash" by Martin Porter,
Michigan Daily, Mar 23 1973,
pgs 1, 6
Perry Bullard (photo, photo with caption by Rolf Tessum)
Perry Bullard (photo, photo with caption uncredited)
(photo by uncredited, AnnArbor.com, Sept? 1973)
(photo by uncredited, AnnArbor.com)
(photo by uncredited, AnnArbor.com)
- 1972
Sat Apr 1, 1st Annual with 150-700 attendees, aka Hash Festival
"No Pot Spotted At Campus Fete", by (uncredited), Ann Arbor News, Apr 2 1972, pg 3
"Interview with a Hash Bash Founder" by (uncredited), The A2 Bash Book,
edited by Larry Behnke, Box 1311, High Springs, FL 32655
(photo by John Barrie)
- Related Chronology preceding Ann Arbor Hash Bash
1972 Apr 1: Michigan's new misdemeanor cannabis law takes effect, not enforced until Mon Apr 3 1972.
1972 Mar 9: Michigan Supreme Court declares state felony cannabis laws unconstitutional leaving Michigan without a state cannabis law until April 1st.
1971 Dec 13: Michigan Supreme Court orders the release of John Sinclair from prison.
1971 Dec 10: 15,000 attend John Sinclair Freedom Rally at Crisler Arena with John Winston Ono Lennon, Yoko Ono, Bob Seger, Stevie Wonder.
1969 July 28: John Sinclair begins serving a 9-1/2 to 10 year prison sentence after being denied an appeal bond.
1967 Jan 24: John Sinclair arrested.
1966 Dec 22: John Sinclair gives two cannabis cigarettes to a Detroit Narcotics Bureau undercover policewoman.
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